Pheno hunting- flower the clones or the mothers?

Started my first pheno hunt & am wondering if it’s better to leave the original mothers in veg & flower out the clones? The thought being less wear & tear on the original



Clones for sure, then you know what exactly to expect from there on out. As long as your environment or something else doesn’t change. Good luck!!!


Yea, ideally you would keep the seedling as the mother and flower out the clones.

But much of the time I flower out the seedling and keep a 1st generation clone as the mother plant. It’s just easier for me that way. I keep a bunch of smaller bonsai mother plants. So it’s usually just easier for me to turn a clone into a bonsai mom. I also don’t usually do very much training with plants from seed. I like to see what they grow like without any topping/training first.

I also flower out any potential keeper phenos at least twice (or sometimes 3x) before deciding which one to keep as the mother plant. I Flower every female out, narrow it down to the best ones. Then flower out another batch. Narrow down again and flower a 3rd time (if necessary) and pick a keeper. In my experience, plants change a bit as they reach peak maturity. Your favorite from batch 1 might not be your favorite from batch 2-3. Just my experience anyway.