Seed vs Clone Parents

Im about to start keeping mothers and father’s for future chukin’ projects and I was wondering if you guys and gals think there’s any difference between have a clone as a mother/father vs having the original seed parent.


I personally have not noticed any difference…whether it comes off a seed Mom or a clone Mom…
they are still “cuts” when you take them…off either mom.



That’s what I’m thinking man I just wanna see if anyone thinks it matters

I think the issue is the same as it is for clones (regardless of breeding)-- as long as the donor plant is 100% healthy & vegging it should be good, if it’s not, then hold off.

Great question for the elders(not me :grin:). :thumbsup:


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IDK. Even a clone taken off a crappy mother reverts to regular growth in better conditions, in my experience. It feels like almost Lamarckian thinking otherwise.

It doesn’t matter which you choose to keep. It is generally easier to root clones of clones than clones off a seed plant, in my experience. I usually flower the seed plants and mother the cuttings, generally just to be efficient, since the seed plants are already of a decent size.


Thanks for that!
I was never able to compare the difference and never noticed…

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