Planting old seeds

I have several seed packs that are old and I was just trying to see if anyone on here has more exp than I do. First, I’m not into the paper towel method, I’ve broken too many taproots on $100 seed packs lol. Plus, I’m a combat veteran with shaky AF hands… I’ll just throw this out there and explain my method. I soak the beans for about 24hrs until the seed opens(I’m new to using SST during this process). Then, straight into the pre-moistened soil. I’ve had hydrophobic soil before and I put the seed straight in the soil only to have the seed sink to the bottom. So, I started preparing my soil before planting. I found that it’s very important to not use sodium rich inputs for germination also, so don’t use any sea products and I have my compost tested at Logan Labs. I use a soil agronomist to help with recommendations and I’ll be using a fresh batch of EWC. For my castings, I have been recycling peat based soil and adding produce to it. I get free produce by the trailer load and it’s always a different type of produce on each run. I’ll talk more about this if you want, it’s my passion lol…
I’ve tried rooting cubes before, but I feel that I have mixed results a lot of times. I’ve used FoxFarm’s LightWarrior and I’ll get near perfect germination rates but it’s pricy and I usually get bad yellowing before they are ready to transplant. There isn’t a product out there that I haven’t tried and I’m just saying that I stopped throwing money at problems and started mixing my own soil…
I’m really interested in learning more about stuff like using sand paper and SST teas. I’m an oldie on RIU and I saw DJ Short make a comment about sanding the edges of his Blueberry seeds to get better germination rates. it’s interesting, but I haven’t done it yet. However, I did get a canister with sandpaper in it from a seed bank and thought it was a slick idea. I just didn’t feel comfortable banging my seeds around in a canister lol…


i stick all my seed in root riot cubes and let them be. usually, 3-6 days i see them start to pop up
the oldest i popped this way were 1973 durban poison, those seed took nearly 15 days to come up but all 3 did., with the root tiot cubes, i keep the cubes moist, and warm, hope you get the beans gping


I’ve done that too back in the day… but nowadays when the taproot does go through the paper towel I just use a scissor to cut a small part of the paper towel off with the taproot through it…it won’t hurt to bury the taproot with a little paper towel in the soil.


Here’s a germination technique from @JohnnyPotseed for older stock.
I use the scuff method, by placing the seeds in a film or medicine bottle lined with sandpaper and shaking it around for a while. It thins the hull and creates grooves that increase the surface area of the hull being exposed to moisture.


Scarification (lightly sanding the edges of the seed) is a legitimate technique. Some people even use this for newer seeds when the seed hull is a bit thicker than typical.

I add a bit of hydrogen peroxide to my soaking water. My water to h2o2 ratio ranges from about 20:1 to 3:1, though I usually lean more toward a weaker h2o2 solution so I don’t turn my fingertips white if I forget to wear gloves. After a 12-24 hour soak, I direct sow to 3" pots half filled with pre-moistened seed starting soil sitting on a heat mat sensor regulated to about 80F. I actually find I have worse luck with seeds if they sprout significant tails in the cup. Though I shot myself in the foot with too-moist seedling soil this time causing a bunch to damp off.

I’ve read about others who have excellent germination results by sticking seeds straight into a section of freshly cut aloe, but I haven’t tried it myself.


IME this is the easiest most reliable best method. Soaking, paper towels, ziplock bags, etc add unnecessary variables.

I go straight into Promix 1cm deep and keep it moist with a spray bottle.

But there are many ways to do it.


I’ve been working with some old poorly germinating seeds trying lots of different stuff. The best results so far have been with first, scuffing the seeds on sand paper, then put them inside a fresh aloe slice 12 hours or so, next they go into tap water to soak for another 12 hours or so, then any that have opened go into root riot cubes, if not opened they go into a paper towel and on to my heat sink on top of one of my lights where the temp stays between 75 and 85f until they open then into root riot cubes.


Me also :+1:


One tip to add here… once you put them into soil make sure you put it deep enough in a hole that it sheds its shell before coming out. I see tons of people making this mistake and then they have to do some kind of surgery with tweezers or whatever to get it off which can lead to other issues.


I practice what I preach bromigos…these seeds all but 1 sprouted in 2 days. I didn’t use a scissor I just used my fingers to pull 1 seed that grew through the towel…these are seeds that I bred/created over 10+ yrs. ago…DK13 & Sour O’wreck


Well, the last seed finally sprouted…all 10 seeds sprouted and all were 10+ yrs. old…


I know just the Guy you need to check out.See if you can find @JohnnyPotseed he has a wiki he made for reviving old seeds.He is using EWC for the germinating media and warm soda water and I think peroxide for his seed soak.Some one sent it to me I just have too much going on to try and get my old beans to pop


Was that GLG. I got the same with mine.

:green_heart: :seedling:


The link to @JohnnyPotseed 's germination thread

:green_heart: :seedling:


I rinsed mine gently with distilled water until the paper towel came off. Seemed to work fine.

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