Seeds in paper towels

Dropped 15 seeds, used my standard germination method , only got 11 to pop .

Never used the towel method before , thinking of pulling the 4 and trying to get them to pop in paper ???

Suggestions ?? Thanks


I only use the paper towel method. Works the best for me.


A few questions. How old are the seeds? How were they stored? What is your ‘standard method’ ? Thanks


Paper towel works but theres a light resistance when separating. What is that?


Root hairs imbedding themselves into the towel

I think thats part of the reason sometimes you see people recommend the cheapo ones and sometimes coffee filters. More absorbent ones have more nooks and crannys for root hairs to klingon


Seeds are fresh , just received them, strain is not old .
STD for me is : 12 hour soak in tap water, into coco in little seed starter, under dome , seedling heat mat under it.

11 are up n fine, just transplanted to Dixie’s, pulled the 4 that didnt come up.

Never done paper method, was intending to place betrween wet towels, stick in a baggie, put a towel over my seed heater n place baggie on that

What yall say??? As i said, dont know how to do it


This right here…^^^^^^

I toss mine into a moist paper towel and put it into a ziplock and add a little air to it. Then place it on my heat mat with a towel over it to keep it dark. usually they start popping the following day or next.

I have never had to use another method but have just to try it and i always go back to the paper towels.


Thank you sir , exactly what i shall do, appreciate everyone’s help.

I am new here, guess ill start a thread about growing these . Should be interesting, they were very very cheap seeds that just “spoke” to me and i bought them. I dont buy many seeds, maybe first i have in a few years, i just liked the line, familiar with one of the parents, and as i said , they just called to me.


Best of luck, tag me so i can follow along brother.


Sure thing, Im super curious to see if any of these 4 open up in the wet towels, ill post back what happens. Be very nice to get a few more for the pheno hunt. Bought 20 seeds, kept 5 , so be cool if another 1 or two grow!!!

lately germinated14 of 10yrs old seeds
all cracked open in a day but only 9 actually made it
still surprising result
tho my point is using peroxide and sugar helps


Doesn’t hurt to try. Also when you do your soak, add a it of hydrogen peroxide to the water. Helps to kill off anything that might be riding on the seed covering.


Ive had seeds in paper go a week before popping.

If the root gets caught up in the paper cut the paper and plant it with the seed.

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That’s how they taught us to germinate seeds back in 8th grade lol get a paper towel damp Luke warm water put in container/petri dish sammich bag etc put in a cool dark place check it after a week an it germinated than plant it

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I used coffee filters with succes but when transplanting the germinated seeds into rock-wool remains problematic with lots of casualties.


So these were obviously 4 difficult seeds that would not have come up had i left them alone . I pretty much only wait 4 or 5 days , then transplant and put up the starter. So if getting any to pop and grow from these 4 ill do it in the future also .

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That is not a problem, use a scissor and cut them apart w/out cutting the roots and bury the piece of small towel with the seed, don’t even try to pull the roots out of the piece of towel…its a simple fix folks and no overthinking.


I hope I have a chance to use that technique But I’ll put it on glass and use a single edge razor blade



I use reusable cotton makeup pads. Always works out well and I can use em over and over again. I soak em in RO water and shake em out till there is no dripping. Seems to be the perfect moisture. Then I just slap em into tupperware.

IF you have seeds you must get germinated here is the @misterbee seed starting tech! I have yet to use it but I got the recipe saved if I ever need it for important/irreplaceable beans.

  • Cut a 5 - 6 inch Fan from the Aloe Plant.
    Slit it along the edge. Unfold, exposing the “Gel”. Get a small Canning Jar w/Lid. Scrape Gel into Jar, chop Skin into small pieces, placing them in the Jar also. Fill the Jar 1/2 or 3/4 Full with DISTILLED WATER. Cover with Lid.

  • Get Second Jar. Put a HANDFUL of Beans/Lentils (I steal a handful of Queen :honeybee:'s “15-Bean Soup Dry Beans”. Again, add Distilled Water.

  • Shake BOTH very well. For the next 3 - 4 days, give both a good shake.
    On the 5th Day, strain both Jars, leaving only the Liquid. Combine the two, stirring well. You can pour an EQUAL amount into each Jar. You now have the Aloe/Lentil Soak. Use it just as you would Water, H.Peroxide, or other Nutrients for germination. You can reuse the mixture, even storing it in the Fridge for 3 - 6 months.

Good luck with those bean!