Plasma lights?

I feel like a standard 1K would appear that bright in a dark room…feels like just a salesman’s trick.

Price point is absolutely prohibitive to most home-growers. Scrounging up 1k to invest in my initial set up was a challenge, and while that money is already paying dividends, 6x that just for lights that might be better than LED? Maybe when they figure out how to shave about 70% off the customer end it’ll have a chance to be picked up by enough people to actually experiment with these claims.

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I am very skeptical, that being said the reactions in that video from the people in the audience seems to indicate that it was pretty F’ing bright… but the cost would need to come down 80% or more… also it seems LOUD…like when you accidentally put some foil in the microwave and it turns to plasma… which is basically what is happening here… microwave emitter exciting a mix of elements into a plasma…

Hopefully this technology continues to be researched and developed, don’t think it’s mature and ready for prime time just yet. That said I am happy to be a tester for the manufacturer :wink:


Ive got some cheap led strips that are bright as hell, but evidently bright doesnt mean much, because these can be touching the plants and they wont yellow or burn

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