Plastic pots vs fabric bags pros/cons

100% agreed bro, that’s how I see it too. I’m especially interested in the soil for the richer terps and an overall "cleaner’ medicine


Hey L.Z63, when I got mine a few years ago now, they advertised them as full biodegradable, the roots would grow through the fabric, so pulling any of the seedlings out would tear roots. Just was not for me.
OR, I just bought crappy ones. All the best!!

How have I not thought of this or seen it before!? Great idea.

Sorry, I didn’t in anyway mean to imply you were a beginner, that was more just a general statement about a common issue I’ve seen with beginners using fabric pots and being afraid of overwatering.

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What would be the general feeling amongst everyone about using a feed sack? I have a bunch of them. Not burlap. I mean the poly fabric type. I could pull the top down to make it half as tall ( or more) effectively creating a double wall grow bag. I am making a pot for a mother plant that I want to keep alive as long as possible ( hopefully many years).

When I learned what fabric pots are I switched
And never looked back.
One thing I love about them is its impossible to Water to much, ok somewhere out there is an Einstein who managed to but you got to really try hard to be.that stupid.
And roots, in my plastic pots roots were a swirl
Not uniform.
For me yield, quality, improved a lot.
I also like how I can cram a lot of plants together
And the fabric gives , plastic won’t.

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I personally like the roll. I mean the fabric pot that can be “unzipped” and lined like a carpet, when you close it it becomes quite a good pot, pros is that excessive water can easily come out and wont let the roots to rot, also if the plants grows too much roots - their tips will easily come through the fabric and will just be shrinker off by the light without damaging the plant so that there will be no wormswarm of the roots ant the bottom of the pot

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Are fabric growbags good for living soil? I mean with worms and everything. I like my root zone to be a zoo. :grin: