PNW growers Unite


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I’ve lived most of my life in Oregon, British Columbia, and now Washington. PNW up!

As you probably know, Washington State was the first state to legalize marijuana, but still does not allow home grow unless you are providing for a patient or a patient yourself. There have been several bills floated to the state legislature that have all died, but this one this year is making a bit more progress I think. Contact your state representative: Washington Lawmakers Approve Bill To Allow Home Cannabis Cultivation


Me, my dad, brother, Godfather, 3 neighbors and 2 of my friends have been putting in for an island elk draw for over 180 years collectively 1 entry per year, 9 of us, over 20 years) and haven’t got a draw :sleepy:

You’ve got a better chance of being struck by lightning


I got pulled for a bull tag while away at college. My dad didn’t tell me. Fuck that noise. Haven’t pulled another yet.


now THATS tough luck!

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Right! Man… it’ll happen again…

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Hey hey hey is there any Washingtonian’s here lol I know it’s an OLD ASS topic but c’mon guys n gals let’s get this topic going going again lol HELLO HELLO