Pollen Chuck Question

Hi bruds,
I have a few questions for pollen chuckers:
I have some photoperiod bags seeds and some bagseed autos. The autos were inbred for 3 gens already so I wanted to try and bring some hybrid vigor to both of them (they are both fast and nice color, yield, tast smell etc)
I would eventually want a full auto, so how can I go about this:
-fem auto x male photo
-fem photo x male auto
Make 2 separate lines and breed the few autos that sprout in the f2s :face_with_monocle: ?

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@AzSeaindooin420 could you share your magical punnet square explanation here?
I think it’s very helpful for budding autoflower breeders

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My generic understanding is if you cross an auto with a photo, it’s basically a photo. I think you’d have to do auto x photo, grow out that progeny and cross it to the auto, grow THAT out & cross it to the auto again, and do that potentially a couple more times before the resulting progeny is truly “day neutral” . I’m basing this off a conversation I had with an auto breeder a while back, asking “how do you get auto versions of strains” and that was his response for the most part.

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sorry its messy I have tremors. you just have to have the right parents to be full auto by f3


Instead of doing the whole write up again here’s the link to my detailed explanation of it


Hmm, maybe I should give this Bubblegum pollen a go then. Corey sent me some last year and I never used it because I was unsure if it came from an auto or photo, guess I can just toss it on some plants and not stress too much heh.

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Still one more q : male photo or male auto?
Or do both separately


Have a backup plan in case the pollen has gone ‘off’.
Pollen typically will not last a year.



I have read that auto pollen lasts even less time than photo

Damn, well I hope its still good since its been in the freezer. We shall see I guess heh.


Freezer is the best bet.
I was looking for a pollen preservation document I have … but can’t find at the moment… :rofl:



That would be very interesting @Gpaw

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so true. got some goods in the freezer myself… when some one get this far that is great! on both getting and storing pollen. just for anyone doing this for first time. let the pollen reach room temp before opening when removing from the freezer. if you do not the frozen pollen will condensate moisture from the air on itself just like a glass of ice water does. this will render the pollen useless. pollen and water are not a mix you want when breeding… good luck. good thread. learn on enjoy the grow. @Fanetilimanu …


Found it… Stoner filing system… :rofl: :vulcan_salute:

Development_and_Optimization_of_a_Germination_Assa.pdf (3.8 MB)

pollen storage.pdf (124.7 KB)



Thanks @Gpaw I’ll get stuck in👍

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Not an expert but I was recently told once something was “feminized”, introducing male genetics back into the pool will cause herms for a few generations. True or false? May be something he has overlooked. But again, I’m just soaking up all the info I can myself.

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speaking in terms of genetics (the actual parts of the code) it shouldn’t be a thing. But with gene expression things get wacky when you start talking about activation events. Could hypothetically the act of feminizing be a methylation event for DNA involved with intersex traits? Who knows? it has never been studied in a academic setting with cannabis that I can find. Would I worry about it? not anymore than any other test cross. Anything can herm on you if you are making a new cross the first time.


DJ Short cautioned against it.
On the other hand, I’ve seen a breeding program that was using only females…

Basically, I saw an opportunity to test that hypothesis… :grin:
and it’s an out-cross …
I guess that’s why they call them testers?


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Ah ok. So you’ve done this before? It’s just been stuck in my mind and probably will be until someone debunks it lol

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It’s my first ‘kick at the can’… :crossed_fingers:
I think it went well, I’m really looking forward to exploring these beans.
