Pollen Question

What are your thoughts on how long pollen will be viable in an open area (crawlspace) with 50-60% RH?

I have, well had, 3x SSDD males in a 3x3, all spewing splooge, while I was , waiting to pick the best one for a project. There’s nothing else blooming, so I’m not worried about any unwanted pregnancies.

What I am concerned about is there’s pollen from all three all over the one I’'m keeping, plus being all over the tent. I don’t think want to spray him down with water, or do I? He is a randy fooker!

I’d rather just wait till the unwanted pollen is not viable, then collect the wanted stuff.

I was thinking about a week, but wanted to tap the OG brain trust to be sure. I’d rather not be the one that fucks up… I want it to be this daddy!

Thanks for any help,



Depends hoe far along they are might be better to take some clones or try putting it back in veg


I would definitely wipe everything down and raise the RH for a wile in veg.


I don’t think I was clear. I just want to know how long any cannabis pollen would be viable for exposed to 50-60% RH.

Sounds like y’all are saying it might be a while, is that right?




I can’t give you firm numbers but in my experience it’s got a pretty short life.


Mine too, just never had this “problem” before :slight_smile:


Spray with water. Water will deactivate the pollen…just reread and youd rather not hit the area with water…my bad


I usually have low humidity from either heaters or air conditioning, and its probably slightly different depending on humidity and temp. But sitting out on a plate, for me, pollen seems to die around 10-14 days


I’ve had pollen sitting out and last for a month, but my humidity is much, much lower.


I’d say 2 weeks, tops.
In practical terms probably 48~72 Hrs. but 2 weeks should be safe.



Yeah, there’s so much pollen on the plant now, I’m afraid wetting it would make splooge cement, but really, IDK, lol!

This will probably end up being an experiment… hope it a good one!

Thanks for the comments!


3x SSDD males in a 3x3

Nice shot. Most of fans of this strain break their teeth in focusing on females only (selfing, BX etc), near everything is carried by the males, pretty dominants on their respective balance. If you’re talking about the Silver Haze X SD of course. I’m a daily smoker of the JH (one of the numerous sisters of the SH), and i always appreciate a nugget of SD (never worked with) or ECSD (worked intensive with ~ten years ago).

For now, i think that you’re stressing by a lack of solid methodism only. If your males are covered at that point by mature pollen (not the green one), you’re just fucking slow to make your selection. I understand that type of stress, don’t worry. But first, focus on it like hell. That’s 75% of your problem.

If you’re pretty OP on the SD, i can eventually help you in extrapolating with the ECSD knowledge and my love for the JH (finalist of all SH/SSH i’ve tested). But you already know that you have to move your ass GreenGrin

I’m sure you can cull at least one right now, only by the feeling and the memory of his grow from seed.

There’s nothing else blooming, so I’m not worried about any unwanted pregnancies.

Nice job. So why, with this sense of timing, you have screwed yourself like that with a fake problem ? ^^

I don’t think want to spray him down with water, or do I?

Don’t spray. It’s long and move air (so dangerous), create lava flows of pollen (insurance to be fucked later by the core of it), and you have to dry it don’t forget.

When I keep a bunch of males at this stage, it’s generally to make a Who’s Daddy with one spectacular female only. Or to make a fusion with a bunch of parallel IBL lines that are from the same P1, generally with an unique female also. But I’ve known the case where the choice was really hard with F1 i was not knowing much. A binary choice generally between twos major genetical trends, so i push the males longer to have the time to digg their flower quality and flowering rythm in depth.

Don’t touch the flowers (no pruning, nothing). Take a trash bag, cover the pot/medium with it, duct-tape that on the truck. Reverse the plant, and drench him in a bucket (~20 liters) of water (yes, you read right). Shake it by the trunk and turn it like you’re making a soup. Both sense, horary then counter horary. Get out the male from the bucket, maintain him upside down over the bucket to drain, then repeat. Don’t let him too much in the water. It’s better to do it a fews time fast, that one big time long. I personnally put foliar nutes in the water but it’s up to you. Generally a big N boost. When the whole operation is done (a lot faster to clean than reading my awful text), put him in front of a fan to dry him fast. Don’t be sissy and put maximum power, it have to be fast. Resist to dry manually the leafs, fatal error ^^

I’d rather just wait till the unwanted pollen is not viable, then collect the wanted stuff.

Then all this headache just to make a Who’s Daddy ^^ I understand that your want to store the pollen, not directly use it.

I don’t think I was clear. I just want to know how long any cannabis pollen would be viable for exposed to 50-60% RH

So, thai and all asian strains are surviving with stork or bees for pollen ? ^^. Look it’s very simple in fact.

When you put a female with a male in an isolated space it take around 4 hours to fully seed the female. No matter the strain etc …

But for the pollen of males it’s the freak show on the demand. Just like human in fact. Are your tadpoles pretty fast in swimming, maybe more slow and but unbreakable, maybe weak and slow, maybe … it’s the exact same thing with pollen. Of course it’s a bit let like fish ^^ It’s more about calibration of the grain, their form, the hormons of the males etc … but you can have a lot of difference in the same line, and also from one strain to another.

I remember an Orange Bud that i have pressurized like hell just to wipe out the skunk component, in keeping the taste. This little short thing was flowering like a raw haze, 12-14 weeks. And to make seeds, i’had to literally wrap the males around the trunk of the females to get a decent amount of seeds. Worst pollen i’ve ever seen.

I remember also a Zamal herm that have pollenated a dozen of Skywalker females … 6 months after being culled. By a simple shears not washed. The shears was just stocked in perfect condition after an outdoor autumn harvest witha massive amount of pollen crust, just like you are planning to store your pollen ^^

Over to make an infinite excel sheet with the quality of pollen of all specimens of all line of all strains of the planet … just do like me. Treat it like plutonium.

Hope it help. Move your ass and fix the real problem bro ^^


I missed this @Gpaw, thanks for answering the question, lol! Methinks about the same, too :slight_smile:

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Interesting answer, thanks… I just wish I understood it :slight_smile:


I also have one question… :slightly_smiling_face:

I have a couple of small clones that I will pollinate. I’ll put them on 12/12 in a day or two
Before I pollinate them, I would like to check if the pollen is viable.
I also have some flowering plants. Two weeks 12/12. There are branches with small flowers on them that I will prune. They are in thick shadow

Can I put the pruned branch in a cup of water and pollinate it, and watch to see if the pistil will shrivel and turn brown? And get a clear answer?

Thank you

And after how long can it be known that the pollination is successful? :slightly_smiling_face:

  • Yes.
  • 4 hours exactly. Overnight to play secure.

Thanks to Doug - I received some pollen __ proper way to store ? going to store in plastic bag/enevlope in a dry dark place were I store seeds ? NO frig right ? - How long does pollen last ?

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Moisture and heat are the enemy. Fridge/freezer is a good place if moisture can’t get into the bag/container. Maybe throw that bag into a tub with desicant.


I think the fridge is ok for short term, and heed the above moisture warning.

From what I’ve gathered, if you freeze it, then thaw it, gotta use it all right away… no refreezing.

I freeze a little in a bunch of small containers, and just thaw what I need when I need it.


I’ve freezes tawed pollen several times no issue. I’d let it get close to room temp