Bodhi PFHP Pollen Collecting

Hi OG Community! I am new here but I see there’s some Bodhi seed fans and so I am seeking some advice from you all.

I am running some PFHP, Strawberry Temple, Babylon Buster and Neroli 91. This is my first Bodhi grow and I have some males in flower right now. I am looking to chuck some pollen and make seeds for myself.

The advice I am looking for may already be here so I apologize it I missed it. I am living in my grow space essentially. I have a studio apartment with a couple 8x4 tents.I want to segregate a male or two and collect pollen. Could I safely house these males in a walk in closet until they start release pollen and collect it? Is it possible to cut a branch before the sacks open and place it outside until it does?

I know I am risking the biscuit here and I don’t want two tents full of seeded flower. I have two distinctly different PFHP males I’d like to use. One is a super shorty that is half the height of the other 4 PFHP plants and the other male has nice structure and smells amazing, while also starting to flower the fastest of all the males I had. All the other males were culled. I am 9 days since the light flip to 12/12 and we’re getting close to decision time.

I appreciate any and all advice and it won’t hurt my feelings if you want to scold me for entering into the world of a simple pollen chucker.



I can’t answer all your questions but I can tell you I collect pollen in a spare bathroom with no ventilation 30’ away from my females.

But I always hack them back and only collect the smallest bit of first dropping pollen. No need to have giant spewing males.

But I only pollinate single branches.

Best of luck.


Pollen really travels so there is definitely the risk of seeded buds. I did a PPP run on my second floor and found seeds in a couple autos in my basement 2 floors away. Simply walking around is enough air movement to get pollen flying. Up to you if you want to chance it.


Basically treat the pollen like you are working in a level 4 lab and it’s Ebola…

Moisture is pollen’s Kryptonite. Your best weapon is a spray bottle of water ‘set to mist’.
For me, I leave the pollen handling operations until the last of the evening and then decontaminate, & shower afterwards.

There’s lots more… :wink: :vulcan_salute: but that will get you started without overloading… and feel free to ask questions.



You might also consider working with only one male. That way if it goes to shit at least you know what everything is.


I appreciate all the input and advice!

I think it is wise advise to go with one male so I chopped down the short male and will proceed with the taller stinky one. It is really starting to blow up today so I cut off the majority of the branches.

The bathroom will be his new home until I see that pollen is ready for collection The shower and spray bottles should help minimize any airborne pollen after I get what I need.

Any advice on when to pollinate the females? I have read differing opinions but I am thinking sooner rather than later. I am only keeping enough pollen for this crop, and I have a few cuts of the male rooting so I may keep him around.


2-4 week range tends to be the best time to pollinate your plants


anytime you work with pollen expect it to travel to the other area and you may find a few seed here and there, no big deal, best time to pollenate the flowers is 3-4 weeks or when they are the size of a finger nail, best way to put that pollen on, ive tried the paint brush, the qtip and the best way is to put some uncut pollen on your fingers and rub the branches you need done, if your seeding up everything in the tent then leave the male in and turn the fan.
seed form with in 3 -4 days, meaning you will see the stigmas or hairs start to look like they are dying off and will have that orangish color of what looks like the bud maturing faster/
one male is easier to work with than serval.
it is addicting as well cause it never stops making seed, now when you start shucking them seed that just maybe the hardest part casue your finger tips may get sore, good luck and welcome to og @Collie_Buds


Oh I found the right thread! I too am curious about when the earliest time to pollinate is. Haven’t found much, but for some reason remember reading that pollenating a female when it’s just preflowers showing(so basically the preflowers get the pollen) that it can hinder the females bud production, because the plant recognizes that she did her job and seeds are being formed before mass production even kicks in. Is there any relevance to this? Or another OG wives tale?? Mainly I’m curious because that’s exactly what happened with my autos. Growing the last of my seeds and pounced on pollenating to ensure saving this strain

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Most folks pollinate about week 3 of flower.
Beans are finished in about 6 weeks, but I’ll let them rest a couple more weeks if schedule permits.


hello Gpaw!
Before opening the bags, you can cut the branch and put it in the water (and keep it outside), the bags will open on the cut branch and you collect them … And the plant in the pot is cut to several points of growth, afterwards it will be restored for several Sundays …
As for the pollination, if you plan a limited pollination, you can pour pollen into a plastic bag, and then leave on a branch for pollination by nanich, prying the bottom of the package … As they said above, water is a cryptonite pollen, so the drowner can be sprayed In order not to pollute others … The same applies to the sams of pollen during the collection, if you do not plan to use pollen immediately, it should be dried and kept in the refrigerator or freezer in a sealed container (do not open the container until it is heated to room temperature - condensation of kill pollen if you open immediately; and if you do not dry - the mold will appear).
The pollen in the refrigerator can remain cordial for about three months if you follow the rules.
Good luck!

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