Pop, cool drink, fizzy drink, cola, soda, or soda pop!

I couldn’t agree more. I never ice my pop.

don’t know why it won’t…I clicked the '‘include everybody’ buttons…

That’s a bummer it’s not available in your area. It’s also a bummer though how much the price has increased. A 4 pack in my area now is around $12…grrr.

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What is everyones favorite zero sugar pop? I have been liking zero sugar ginger ale, and i will do a coke zero, but it sucks

The 0 carb, 0 sugar, 0 sodium flavoured waters are rad. Bubbly, President’s Choice, etc.


Uggh i hate the flavoured water, its too in between water and juice or pop.

Ice drinks came out with starburst flavors.

I am a lover of most sodas but nothing beats an ice cold Coca Cola in a red can imo. Especially with bourbon. And around here most ppl call everything a coke I think. “Hey I’m going to store u want something to drink?”
“Yeah get me a coke.”
“What kind?”
“Dr. Pepper”. :man_shrugging:
I like to call it a sodee pop as that’s what my grandpa called em.


The raspberry and black cherry are my faves!
I also like Vitamin-Water XXX Acai-blueberry-Pomegranate


I’m a big fan of Foxon Park. So crisp and flavorful. I typically go for Orange, White Birch or Lemon Lime. They’re all good but those three are my favorites. If your ever in CT, Give em a try.


From Chicago? Green river is one of those once in a while treats that I always look forward to. You’d only really see it around every once in a while but it’s all over now.


It must be seasonal here but I haven’t seen it for years :confused:

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That’s awesome 🫶🏼 my Dad(stepdad really) has always said sodee pop when asking the kids if they want a pop.


Yeah it’s not always available, I bought a case from Costco last time it was around. There used to be a gyro place that had it in the soda fountain with free refills. I’m shocked I didn’t have childhood diabetes

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Lmao nice. Ya same here

I see a lot of great soda’s here, my most favor soda brand is Ale 8-1

In the 80’s I drank my first one and it was called Ale 8 and had a squirrel on the label, catch phrase was “soft drink of tomorrow” :rofl: They only made ginger ale then, now they got like a dozen plus kinds.


No man sorry just saw this it’s a really unique flavor. If you haven’t you need to, it’s kinda like the orange otter popsicle. Once you have it, you’ll want more of it.

Funny that applies to many things :rofl:

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Living the high life at lunch today lol.



This was dinner:


Man that burger is just what I need, Make it two :grin: :yum: