Pre-soaking seeds - "The Float Test"

No you’re correct I should’ve did that already. I have some Afghan seeds I really had a hard time for them coming up I do believe soaking them mess them up. I did have a few come up but I will never do that again. I have to agree with the worm casting. @Astrodude I believe he likes aloe vera. I have used that with clones before. Always good stuff Johnny


My experiment has officially failed before getting the seedling into the aero cloner. :frowning: I’ve had less than 50% success in germinating seeds since moving the plates holding the paper towels into my veg tent. I don’t quite get how it makes that much of a difference, since the plates should be blocking the light and the temperature/humidity are pretty much on point with what I’m trying to keep them at, but it’s tough to argue with the results. Back to my room temperature, 20% RH table. I don’t use worm castings for top-dressing typically, so I’ve felt like it would kinda go to waste, but I might have to buy a bag next time I’m germinating. Especially for these Kwazulu seeds, they’re a few years old and haven’t been stored perfectly… and nobody has anything negative to say about worm castings, other than negativity about having tried them yet. :stuck_out_tongue:

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The pure worm castings give the plants what they need and want. the same as all the imitators out there, with all the high-tech names and such, compound this and and that element, etc.
WC is what all the high end products imitate and strive to be

You can use the WC for a single seed in a small cut down cup, or for hundreds…in a larger tray

there’s an old saying though, “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink” lol That’s why I say to each their own, there’s a million ways to skin a cat, not that I’d ever skin one lol


I’d love to be able to actually use a whole bag for hundreds of seeds, then I wouldn’t feel ridiculous about buying a bag of worm castings for $20. I still might have to go the cheap bastard route and buy some worms instead, though. :stuck_out_tongue: I guess they take a few months to get moving, so I’ll need a bag for the Kwazulu - instead of using the worm castings for top-dressing though, I’ll keep it active by tossing it in a bin with some wet newspaper until I can get a worm bin going. Feeding them junk mail and used tea leaves seems like a very attractive proposition…

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I use plain water, unclorinated,and warm. Its just that seeing them crack and reveal a tail( or not) give you confirmation that life has started, happy days!
And age seems to not matter, I just popped two 3yr old regs that germinated and are growing more vigorously than the feminised seeds I bought.


It seems like the casings work great for older seeds … like 10 plus years old… I’m getting a 99 percent rate

Yeah definitely gonna get some and give it a crack!:sweat_smile:

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I would as a friend suggest it

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lol what he said^^^^^

"I keep reading that, if seeds don’t sink to the bottom of the cup "

Stop reading cannabis forums lol

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It’s a shame. On this particular sock account, you seemed to be trying to actually engage with people on your first few days… now you’re just trolling again. Why do you keep coming back, if you hate it so much here that you need to constantly be on the attack and eventually get yourself suspended again?

Would store bought worm castings do? I read somewhere that fresh from the bin is the only option.

Thought I’d ask the man himself :slightly_smiling_face:

Brew some tea with the left overs :innocent:

It’s like steroids for any and all plants

I have tried twice. Making smoothies. Feeding coffee ground and egg shells ground keeping moist for the right R/H. I just can’t seem to make them happy and I now have two kinds of bugs in there,

:green_heart: :seedling:

While ‘fresh-from-the-bin’ WC are great, cuz. It isn’t the only option… The stuff sold on Amazon and Lowe’s, WallyWorld, etc is just as effective. I have a large (4’Wx8’Lx4’H) compost/worm bin that I toss 500 or so worms into t2-3 times a year, as a commercial grower, that wasn’t enough to keep up with the demand/need, so I also have been known to occasionally buy it too. Works just the same. Afterwards, there are several things you can do, just blend leftovers into the work container of amended soil, or toss into the bin, or make tea.


If the seed weighs the same as a duck, it’s made of wood, and therefore… A WITCH!!


Amazing! Thanks for the clarification uncle Johnny. :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ll never soak again. It’s a big waist of time. I never did it before coming to the internet. I guess it looked like you where doing something. Straight dirt. Or the damp method. I can understand if your seeds are ten years old. Sand them. It’s easy. Soak seeds. Not for me. I have my way before I ever came here. @JohnnyPotseed way is close to mine. I got to say I think his and the towel is a container is fine. I dropped ten or so. Night before last or last night. They all have tails.


So far my method seems to work, nothing fancy I just lightly sand them, stick them in a plastic bag with wet paper towel above the seed and put them in the range hood cabinet above the stove. I get atleast an 85 percent pop rate.

I soak my seeds to start them.

I like to put them in a small tupperware container and set that on the wireless router. Holds it at around 90 degrees. Usually seeds that are viable split and show the creamy white tail within 24 hours. Once most seeds split I sow all of them. Ones that float usually never split, and rarely end up germinating IME. It has happened, I’ve been surprised occasionally, just a strong tendency not to.