I did a little searching seems mostly just LED discussion , but I’m trying to get an opinion on what spectrum of light bulbs I should put in my t5 for veg I’m sure a mix of spectrums is preferred but what would the magic combo look like I believe 3700k is what where in them before they wore out
They are 4 foot 54watt if that makes a difference lol 8 bulbs a fixture
Maybe some 4000 mixed with a couple 3500 mixed in for a more full spectrum or just pure 4000 there are two fixtures in the room so 16 bulbs total and will only ever be used for veg
My fluorescents experiences are very little I used fluorescent shop light to start seedlings under like 20 years ago and I flowered a plant under a 150 CFL fixture when they first came out like 12 years ago so the t5 is all new territory to me
6500k works really well for me since i like to keep my plants small and compact in my cabinets. I dont see a lot of stretching as soon as they are under these t5 flouros
I did have 4 23w 2800k in my old cab with these t5s and there was more vertical growth. If you need small compact plants 6500k is nice but if i had more room for bigger plants i would go back to a mixture. Interested to see what others have to say.