Preservation Run! Blockhead Bx by Bodhi **(Closed)**

Ok, I moved @kndreyn and @Smokerheat to TL2 spaces as they likely inadvertently signed up up wrong place. Still on the list folks, just in right area. Not sure who the other 2 are but if you are not regular or regular Emeritus and have signed up mistakenly under TL3 please correct.


@repins12 feel free to take one of the tl3 spots


Thanks @DougDawson


@repins12 , I dropped you in open slot 36 of TL3 :slight_smile:


@FattyRoots, you’re now where you should be … beer3|nullxnull

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Cheers George had no idea I was level 3


Oh man, I thought it was because you were generous and uninterested frech|nullxnull, anyway you deserve them … beer3|nullxnull


Is it ok for a 3 to be on the 2 list?

Yup, just not the other way around.

Level 3 ppl, add a new number in L3 list. Don’t know if it is allowed but that’s a fairer point imo.

I would think yes. Maybe put TL3, :us: after your name, but I think there is talk of changing the # allotted to TL2/3. But I would also think a three signing up in a two slot is perfectly legit. Also quite possible someone levels up from 2 to 3 while a run is ongoing.

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I think that will be happening quite often, with all the members now and the reduced requirements for regular status. It happened to me with the blue velvet run I believe.


hell yeah thanks for mentioning me

oh my bad i overwrote someones edit

On one run we had more level 2’s than 3’s and they moved some 3’s to 2’s.
:green_heart: :seedling:

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I sometimes will go in the TL2 list if I’m not as concerned with getting them even though I’m TL3.


Yeah, I figured we could go down. Just not up. I spent along time at T2
:green_heart: :seedling:

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Looking at all the people that have signed up just made this real. I’ll do my best to get as many seeds as I can. Like with everything in life there are no promises.

Here comes some photos. Wet the appetite, still a long ways out.

All 11 popped and are in the solo cups inside the tray. The other stuff was just that, other stuff.


Always gotta grow some other stuff too. Variety is the spice of life. I’m dreading my hunt for mint that I’m about to start. I hate hate hate mono or duo cropping. I’m going to be smoking the same bud for months! But it’s going to take all my numbers for that run and my mother plants.


100% germination rate it seems, good stuff.