PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants"

I made some photos to go with this write up that shows the entire process. You can do it with plants with roots as well. Bigger plants… they are hard to fit in a sink :wink: You might be able to pull it off, but no guarantees. I’ll also explain how to construct a basic clean room. I made my own, but also got tips from Clair Cameron Patterson’s initial attempts to keep lead contamination out of his lab. If you want to watch the cosmos episode it’s pretty sweet.
Step one: get contaminated plant/cutting, with or without roots.

Step two: Strip the plant/clone down so there are no leaves. I also wash off the medium if it has some, but you can cut the clone right out of the medium if you really want. Roots optional.

Step three: submerge in water for 30min. Them bugs aren’t exactly…aquatic?

Step four: rinse off your clone/plant. I use a vegetable sprayer and rough handling :wink: I used the sink tap in the photo.

Now you just complete the cloning process. The plants themselves can take…lots of rough handling. As long as the stem isn’t destroyed and a meristem exists, the plant will live. The meristem is the tiny growth shoot sort of right on the side of a plant growth node. Yo, someone needs to upgrade the dictionary here to include technical terms.