Punks Not Dead

Who hates money?


And a little bonus


A little morning fun with biquette, rest in powerviolence :slight_smile:


thats faster than many thrash metal bands


Yeah, punk/hardcore/grindcore has nothing to envy to metal. Lyrics straight to the point and the beat that goes with them

One of my fav, they’re so meeeeeeean

blast beat ftw!


Pretty rockin!
I have a question do people not have pits at concerts anymore?
It’s been about 30 years since I’ve been to a show of that caliber.


Yeah I really like this guitrarist/drummer duo, they’re really good and have ton of energy to communicate. Too bad they can’t settle on a singer, they often switch and sometimes not for the best. Japan is too far away to see them live sadly :slight_smile:

I don’t go to such gigantic (shit)shows, but from what I’ve seen there are pits. They’re probably not enough known for people to go crazy, (which is a logic I don’t get), and they were probably scheduled too early too lol

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This goes hard Hostel Park | Abraxas Reflux

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Since smoking a bit of “explorer weed” lately (sonic fly by mosca seeds- i had one phenotype out of 10 seeds 9 females 1 was as crystally as you can get- trichomes on the stems between buds even…leaves covered in trics all the way to edges/tips…couldnt let that freak stop even when traveling a lot.
never seen trichomes like that on stems before especially linking up between branches and buds

so been writing lyics, mostly metal but some slightly humorous leading into dangerous vendetta revenge lyrics towards the end…

If anyone cares to read my lyrics i will post a couple…

Im a shit guitarist and drummer so was thinking of using ableton live for instrumentals…(My brothers a pro on ableton for techno and house music, so im learning.)

rehab for alcohol excessive abuse a month or more ago i met a few musicians keen to play some of stuff though…one brother of a patient wanted me to write their stuff as they are excellent musicians but needed a lyricist.im shit at writing riffs just been into poetry and lyrics for a bit…

One song could get a hit paid on me by an old boss though by me coding his name in the song clueing his identity and lyrics about his law breaking and ripping off rookies and them “doing something with his grass”…or an not spelled out inuendo into hooking up with the hot mrs…

not sure if i should post or not…i posted in a pm on facebook and next day a dude was yelling abuse out front of my house…hahaha

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heres one quickly thought of poem…not brilliant, and might offend animal lovers but its actually trying to promote love towards all animals.

We had an idea togethor
to become big factory farmers
We will lose all faith in karma
and breed austalian koalas
im sure in some parts of china
they will love our deep fried koalas

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Stage diving is banned almost every where these days i think. Since in around 99 or 2000 sometime a guy climbed up a 4 metre or so speaker and dived…either majorly harmed himself or the person he landed on…and the odd person broke his neck some time around then too…

Last time i stage dove (was 16 in 93 and successfully dived and crowd surfed many times that night seeing gilgamesh, magic dirt and spiderbait etc) then last time one guy held my legs up while my head was on floor and was getting trampled on…thought id die…some older friend pulled me out…but a lot of people losing shoes too…Good skate shoes are pricey these days…dont want to lose em…:slight_smile:


When stage diving and mosh pits started, we called it slam dancing, nobody allowed them nor did anyone ask permission.
When you jumped on stage you had to avoid the gauntlet of stage security give them a bird and jump.
Of course many punk bands were banned because of the associated risk of hosting these shows.
Everything is so regulated now days and so many people are so compliant.
Punk Rock was very outlaw back in the day.
Riots broke out at shows.
Ive seen a compound leg fracture (Dr Know, Wasted Youth, Exodus) 1989 Palace Theater Hollywood and Vine and a broken neck - Metal show (Death Angel, Forbidden) 1990
Moore Theater Seattle.

Back in L. A. the Suicidals - a cholo punk rock gang that followed Suicidal Tendencies, would establish pit dominance and literally stomp the shit out of people, it was a trip.
@Osogreen261 knows what’s up.

I use to love Dr Know.
Their original singer Brandon Cruz was a former famous child actor.
Heres one of my favorite movies as a kid. Brandon plays the pitcher in this scene.

Heres Dr Know with Brandon Cruz singing