Question about defoliation

Howdy y’all! Happy Halloween!

After my previous grow, I decided to remove as many branches as possible to not end up with popcorn weed at harvest. I’ve now defoliated my current grow more than I had my previous one.

I took these pics today.

The small side branches growing off the main branches are what I mainly want to remove, leaving the colas of the main branches only. Would removing these affect my final yield or only fatten the bud sites I leave?

Edit: I’m in flower, day 26.


My take on it is that since your canopy is not very deep, I’d keep the the tertiary branches and adjust the light accordingly.


Thanks for your input! The growth are receiving light, so I won’t defoliate any more and see how the results are.

So for scrog always chop what’s below the net, good work there. If you look at the plant you can usually tell “real” branches for the scraggly ones. I chop any little tiny branches that are just like randomly popping up or are noticeably undersized. Also put your hand through the canopy. If you can’t see light at a certain depth I would cut anything below that point.

Two other things to consider

  • at this point you’re done or near done with the growing part. Whatever you cut off will likely not be replaced
    -I usually do a thorough cut and then let the plant decide. Some plants will heavily push more bud sites. To me this means the plant has more to offer and I generally keep these. Worst case they go to hashin. If the plant doesn’t push new buds or only a few small ones. I know I’m at a sweet spot and I just pinch any little guys that come up

I wouldn’t do major interventions in such an advanced flower stage, could stunt her and become counterproductive … beer3|nullxnull