STS worked, but pollen does not appear

Howdy OGers :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

Two different plants, same issues.

Haven’t room for a box, so I keep them on the balcony.
Take them inside at night and in the morning, after a few hours of sunrise, I take them back to the balcony.

After two weeks stopped applying STS.

Soil from the last grow , no additional fertilizers , only water.

It’s been about 7 weeks since the lighting schedule changed.

The sacs fall off when touching , I smashed them a little, but there is no pollen

Should I hope for pollen to appear? What could be causing this?


Maybe that soil is depleted? icon_e_confused|nullxnull Plant need nutes to make that pollen … beer3|nullxnull


Some plants just don’t produce pollen when reversed. May need a stronger ratio of silver or something else. Triangle Kush is like that. Can get balls but barely any pollen at all. The pollen that does come out, is sterile :man_shrugging:


I had the same results working with STS. Thousands of sacs and not a single grain of pollen.


That’s good to know. I’ll have to run two clones for my pollen donors one with sts and another with cs to raise my chances on having some viable pollen.


I’ve been here. Had a massive plant for the pot size rife with male flowers after weeks of spraying and nothing took to the female plant. I felt pollen as my hands were slippy from the fine particles but nothing came out of it.

This was first class funk and I’m told it’s a frustrating one to clone and reverse. I made 15 cuts and got 3 to root, and the sts was a total failure.

So year some genetics just say :fu: to reproduction after being so inbred. :rofl:


Thanks for responses :pray:

I would have assumed so, but both showed the same signs. They are : SSDD F2 & Blues

Maybe… The buds are also small,I thought it’s because of STS.
I think soil is not completely depleted, there should be enough nutrition for a little pollen , anyway I think it’s worthless giving them nutes anymore ?


This is part of why people discuss reversal methods, what spray to use, at what intervals or concentrations, etc

It can be tricky to reverse some plants. Some will dump pollen easily, some others are like TK and extremely resistant and require a different approach.


STS can be tricky because it’s commonly used but people don’t always have the correct information about concentrations or spraying intervals. Spraying too much can burn your plant, not spraying enough can produce a partial and ineffective reversal.


If you look closely, in the second photo, there are brown bags, they fall off, is this due to aging or due to some health problems?

Yes , looks more like STS dosing issue…
Used this recipe
So maybe I went too far? applied it 5-6 times , because pistils appeared and there were no balls sign at all.

Used Sebring’s recipe at first. no success…
This one was more concentrated.

Next will be definitely CS :face_with_head_bandage:


That should be fine :thinking:
When I tried to reverse the TK with sebring’s ratio, I had to spray every 2 days for 5 weeks or so in order to get any pollen at all. But again, it was sterile pollen.

Some of the ssdd’s are pretty stable too. Ive gotten the TK to put out a couple nanners from heinous stress, but those were sterile too. My ssdd f2 keeper tho, won’t even do that no matter what you do. Most stable plant I’ve ever seen.

Some plants just reverse easier than others. Ssdd and blues both have blueberry in there.


Time to pimp out the leet chatgpt facts

For those who don’t know, some people successfully reversed tk with cobalt chloride


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Yeah that’s not just a one time spray and done either. A friend and I have been messing with that too and so far are completely unsuccessful.


Yeah reversing plants seems tricky in general as I mentioned. I haven’t tried to do it yet but it’s definitely gonna be quite a chore to figure out all the steps for a reliable reversal. I’ve got some various info like the recipe RAW uses, but I gotta ask around and figure out what works best when the time comes. Let alone get the materials etc.

Got the digital scale already thankfully.

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Maybe you can try this way of STS, Give it a SHOT… :laughing:

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I just tried my first STS and was spraying daily until 20% of pollen sacks were open but still no pollen. I was doing every 3 days but it didn’t seem to phase it and it kept putting out pistils so I changed it up. I’ve got balls everywhere but don’t see any pollen either. I’m trying to reverse a ARC x Cookies and Cream. I even started spraying like 12 days before flip.

I don’t think it’s going to throw any pollen but I put it in the tent with the 3 females I was going to pollinate just in case. I’m starting to spray another plant beginning last night. It’s a ARC x GG4. I’m determined to make this crap work.


I did my first reversals. The Jillybean and Fruitcup. I reversed multiple plants of each. wit STS. On the fruit cup two produced lots of pollen and one not so much. The Jilly bean reversed easily, lots of pollen. Neither produce hardly any seeds and the few they did were very tiny.

:green_heart: :seedling: