Reversal of Autos Questions

Can anyone give me a reason that an Auto would NOT reverse with STS? I have tried twice now, On two different strains of Autos, 1)Blimburn Mexican Redhair Sativa and Multiverse Beans Event Horizon strain to reverse them for Pollen. Both were sprayed Early before buds ever started to form, and before sex was even showing, Sprayed every 3 days, and Both Failed to reverse, I know my STS was mixed properly I followed the instructions to the letter using distilled water, and I for the life of me can not figure out what went wrong or where. Side note, both plants were destroyed and not consumed, even tho they flowered.


Simple answer? --autos or not, some plants just don’t want to


Some plant just won’t reverse for some reason.
Try CS instead of STS maybe??
Hope eventually you reach your goal.


I’ve just recently had a Mango Smile auto that refused to reverse. Even the guy I got her from has had trouble selfing this line. As said earlier some are just resistant. The round before I had a Froyo that only took 3 treatments of STS before she was showing. If you have more seeds I’d pop another one, mix up some fresh STS and try again. Once you’re successful you’ll never need seeds again. I have thousands (no exaggeration) from 1 run.


I think we’re running into a photocopy of a photocopy of a photocopy type thing with autoflower fem reprods. Just a vibe not a scientist or anything

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Started with CS on the first plant and switched cause it wasnt working.


In fact I might just self one of the seeds YOU sent me. Im doing a run of Scoutscicle right now.


Might be the issue, I know if they are selfed to many times, you will get to a point where they can not be selfed any more, your vibe IS actually science bro!


Go for it! I personally love the early purple pheno. She’ll start to purple about 3 weeks into flower and by harvest is a royal purple. I have 7 Scoutcicles that I’m hoping to see the early purple to try to flip and isolate the sweet purple Scoutcicle

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Great minds think Alike, I am looking for the early purple myself since you told me about it! Im running 5 Scoutscicle this run, and one yesterdream auto. My goal, is slightly different, I want to reverse the Whole early purple plant and use the pollen on a second early purple next run and maybe on a couple other auto Strains I have.

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From what I’ve been told, the people pheno is supposed to be the more prevalent pheno. I had 1 dude growing 4 of them and all 4 were purpling when he had to go out of town for work, and his wife over loved them. So I’m running more than 2 this time to see what I see. I won’t be selfing them till their next round because I’ve got seed runs lined up. Make a journal and I’m there, bong in hand!

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My adhd and memory issues makes a journal really hard, Like I can focus on the plant care itself, but when it comes to remembering to take photos and notes that part of it, Ill forget to do. I am horrible at note taking and remembering to do the “boring parts”. No matter how hard I try to remember it always gets forgotten sooner or later, I normally do well at keeping up with it for a couple weeks and then it just becomes impossible to force myself to remember.


I almost thought I wrote this and forgot about it lol. I feel ya buddy. No matter how much I want to do the things my brain just doesn’t. Have you tried meds? I started Vyvanse a few months ago and it’s been life changing. When you can get it that is.

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Well, I am leary about trying any more adhd meds, they have tried 3 and the side effect of all three have been that I become sucidial. As soon as I am off them for a few days, the sucidial thoughts go away.

BTW, when you do spray autos with STS to reverse them? One thing that is for sure easier with photo period plants im sure consider you start spraying them a couple weeks before you flip. But with autos, I am unsure when to start. I have tried just as buds first started to form, didnt work, and I have tried after it was above ground for about a week aslo didnt work.

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I feel this. @Ace71975 I did similar with my First Class Funk (photoreg) plants and had balls, little to no pollen but you could feel it being present yet at the end of it 4 seeds. :man_shrugging:

Doing the exact same thing with mephisto autos and I got seeds for years every time.