Scared about bound silica, does anyone know more

For the first time in a while I got pulled away when mixing silica and it seemed fine but on my 2nd to last plant It seemed there was some of those little solid chunks of silica binding with calcium/magnesium or whatever it is that it binds with. Does anyone know if these solids in my coco/perlite mix are going to cause a major problem down the road? If so is there anything I can do now to try and prevent it or lessen the blow? Should I flush with florakleen or microbes? I’m worried about it because I dumped and made a new batch when I caught the binding before never fed them the solids


I don’t see it as being an issue. When silica is added at greater than 100ppm it has a tendency to fall out if solution. Once it falls out it should not have any effect on the plant growth because the plant won’t absorb the fallen solids. I would just make a fresh batch of solution and continue to water normally.


Awesome that makes sense thank you very much!! You just made me feel a lot better haha

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No worries. Many people complete grows without adding Silica and Cal Mag and they have fantastic harvests.


I don’t actually add calmag there is some calcium and magnesium in my base nutrients so I was assuming the tiny bits I saw in
The water was silica binding with that. I’ve had many great grows with no silica (coco/perlite 50/50) but I remembered us adding silica when I worked at a nice grow spot in SoCal and I thought I’d try it out and I used it the last two grows here with everything going great. Not that I know the silica actually made a difference just had no problems but when This happened I’m like ok these plants ain’t gettin anymore silica lol they are a few days into flower and I usually just do it the last week or two of veg as I grow them aggressively and the first week of flower so cutting it out I’m sure would barely make a difference, I feel some tougher branches I think in these grows but I scrog and tie em all to bamboo sticks so they usually aren’t struggling for support haha

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If you add the silica to your water first and the other nutes after you should be fine.


That was what I did and maybe those little things I saw were something else. I just thought maybe cuz I let the spinning slow down to almost still after mixing all of it. But hey I’m a guy that panics about everything with the plants haha they never stopped looking happy

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