Seeds:Tightvacs or plastic vacum bags

Hi guys,I Just am progressing my First seedrun and I want to know how to store seeds.I can’t use the refrigerator,so I thought of vacuum sealed plastic bags vacumed from a machine(used for food grade) or if a Tightvac Little box Is Better.I don’t know for how long I ll Need to store Them,but for sure they Will be plenty.
I Plan to keep It in my guardrobe.
Would vacuum be a problem for seeds?
Thank you


If you absolutely cannot store them in the refrigerator then store them in a low moisture cool and dark environment. Put them in a vacuum bag with desiccant/rice and store them somewhere out of the sun that doesn’t get a lot of temperature fluctuations. The cooler the better. Storing them like that may get you a year or two before the seeds start to degrade.


Thank you friend @Habitt .So It Is not necessary to buy a Tightvac,I can make use of a Classic vacuum machine for food and plastic bags


You can. It’s not ideal, but you can.


What Is the best container/method ?
Given I can’t use refrigerator and given my wardrobe stays pretty cool and dark, doesn’t fluctuate a lot


Low moisture and in 30-40 degree temps from my understanding. The temp/humidity is the most important factor in keeping seeds.


a Darkplace - tight container (air tight) - constant temps via - a sock drawer is an example of

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I prefer amber glass vials personally. Still have seeds that sprout reliably 7-8 years later.

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Do you put something inside other than the seeds?


Nope. These are perfume bottles actually so they have a removable piece that works well for keeping seeds in and they seal so they seem to keep pretty well. I pull all my seeds out of breeders packs and keep them this way vs plastic bags. More easily accessible too vs vac sealing. Here’s some photos. I buy the vials on Amazon, it’s like $5-$7 for 12 and I store them in this light proof metal cabinet.


Fantastic,love It.Thank you.So I am going to buy some glass bottles/vial Amber and stock Them in my wardrobe.

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good idea - looks like the " ladies dept" here I come !!