Received Spring 2023 Box

got mine. thanks all for the hard work!


Recieved mine as well
Thank you!


I am going to get my payment mailed to you guys today. Thanks again!

Is it okay to bypass the website entirely and just mail you my OG name, the cash, and the name of the 3 strains I signed up for? Or would you prefer I still fill out the online form?

I prefer no paper trail if it is okay with the organizers.


I have not been charged yet for my Spring Box, but I did get this update in my e-mail today. My last email said it was pending, this new one says processing! I was worried my payment wouldn’t go through because it has taken some time. Hopefully I will be charged soon so I can rest easy knowing I’m all squared up. :sweat_smile:


I think everyone got that email last night. I was one of the first to make a payment(deducted from account 3 days later) and got that email last night. Box arrived 2weeks ago.


Please fill out the form. It generates the fill for the mailing labels. This also helps eliminate
information being inputted incorrectly.

This option was a compromise for adding a third option without increasing the box work.

Sebring pushed all orders thru. The seeds even without payment have been mailed. The payment was put on the honor system for those orders. I am leaving payments open until July 1st due to the payment change even though we had as many people pay the first week as we always have.

Thank You!

:green_heart: :seedling:


Please check- if I payed _ believe I did - cart went from 1 to “none” (computer skills are very questionable) Thanks #G-paS


I also received my spring box after a side trip to Puerto Rico lol. Many thanks to everyone involved peace sdd420


Say what?

:green_heart: :seedling:


after looking at account seems that check payment didn’t got thru ?? Sending cash TODAY (6/13/23) Thanks OverGrow !!!


I also received my first box… spring box 2023.
Many thanks to all the people involved, from growing to distribution. :green_heart: It was a titanic work!

Only thing that I miss is the Tiger Berry (I was on overflow, so I think it will be later if possible.)

And that the BOG Blue Kush preservation and card was not on this box. In this I was at 8 TL3… I suppose that it was for US and CAN and not for :eu: , @DougDawson is this correct?

Big Thanks!


Not at all. A pack of seeds and collector card was sent for all who signed up and extras were provided as well. The Tiger Berry overflow was also covered. I cannot say why you did not receive either of those strains :v:


that’s really funny, I filled out the cash payment form last night and got the email right away. I wonder if that triggered it :joy:

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Well, with so many people and all the distribution troubles the strange would be that there weren’t any mistakes.

Will contact swe-can or perhaps g-pas if there is some way I could get this.


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Yeah I was worried for a while but it made it. I was following the tracking and didn’t recognize the abbreviation but it was in Puerto Rico for a couple days. Thanks again

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I to was on the overflow list at #3 for the Tiger Berry and did not receive them.


How long after you paid did you get your tracking #?

hi, I have registered for many things but I don’t see me on the list. can anyone help me with this

Might you be one of the people who didn’t add your username to your order? If you arent on the list, please PM G-paS


A big ‘ol thank you so very much to all the growers and distributors making the Spring 2023 co-op box possible.

I’m feeling very blessed this season as I lucked out with all these sign-ups over the year.

:pray: :blush: :bowing_man:

Alien apparition by @Kushking902
BOG Blue Kush by @DougDawson
Cobra Lips by @Budderton
Congolese by @PlantShepherd
Romulan by @Jinglepot
Sheelavathi Indian Heirloom by - @Oldjoints
DJ Shorts Temple Flo by - @Kavman
Tiger Berry by @BasementBeans (with bonus Tiger Mints, thanks!)

Additional thanks to @dougdawson who did double duty as the :canada: distributor and @g-pas for all their coordination!

Happy growing everyone, I’m chuffed and very much looking forward to the adventures these will provide in the near future.
