Rhai88 & Friends... Games, Giveaways, and more! (Part 1)

Ok that’s fine.
Don’t know what to tell ya when ur still being ignorant to the fact I was typing out for a solid 5 min which shows me typing editing the wiki and u jump in halfway through and dropped ur name, of course u didn’t get the message cuz u clicked submit before I finished so when I finished I didn’t click discard changes, I clicked overwrite

You can either make a big deal out of it or u can put away the ego and put ur name back on the list and everyone’s happy, up to u bud


Absolutey! The more the merrier!

I’d prefer to shut this down right now… bygons be bygons. Mistakes happen. Let’s not let a slight hiccup turn things into a shitshow. This is for good fun for the community so let’s try not to turn it into a pissing match over something small.


Id have to agree bud, like I said earlier, ain’t trying to stir no shit pot for trying to give away stuff, only seen the thumbnail pop up and edit during my edit so I knew I overwrote someone, just didn’t know who

Respectfully I wasn’t gonna retype all those prizes either, I could see when he jumped in to edit and there’s no reason he shouldn’t have been able to see me editting


Ok no problem…I will sit this one out…sorry that I was overwritten. You all have a nice 4th of July


Or just go readd urself and everyone is happy…

That’s why I made the post after I overwrote so hopefully whoever it was would surface and get themselves back on the list

We’re all guilty of learning the ropes with ettiquite( hell there’s even a thread on it) and wasn’t meant as an attack on ya. Let’s take it as a learning lesson if u see someone editting let em finish and we’re all on with our days!

Now get ur ass back in here and join the fun


There is no need for you to sit out. Just add yourself in and let’s have some fun. There is no harm or foul just a slight disagreement. Let’s get this back on track!


Thank you Rhai!


images (18)


Why can’t I rip that? :crazy_face:


Amazing giveaway as always @Rhai88 and Thanks to all the donors for making it possible.
Hope everyone had a great 4th.


Stuff happens :sweat_smile:

I know this has been discussed before, in the past there have been similar issues arising due to different people using different browsers… Not everyone uses the same OS and web client so we cannot expect others to use capabilities which may not exist in their user experience.
As one data point, my cellular only displays an icon once the wiki has changed. I get no warning that others are editing. I would not be able to determine that someone else is editing the wiki to understand that I should therfore be the one to cede my action.

Happy 4th


Well I think most just aren’t paying attention, their eye is on the prize, just like any other thread on this site it will typically put someones display pic and a pencil on the threads and in the wikis if someone is typing or editing, I’ve been on computers, iphones, androids and even the piece of shit windows phones on this site and the pencil has showed… MAYBE there might be the rare few that don’t but majority that browse here def can tell when there’s edits

I’m sure u can understand the frustration when u get 7 prizes deep and u watch someone pop in for 5 seconds drop their name and run when I still have one more to type and get the edit changes message. Im not gonna go to war with a wiki to give away free stuff if I can’t even be given a few minutes on my edit to add em in there and prizes like that take time to add in, moreso than a name


MAIN EVENT… Don’t miss out!


i just want to say everyone is super chill here, i have even had the situation of overwriting another, but as the OG’s around here are happy to help, and guide…i wish people could be more chill sometimes…i am gonna be the guy once in a while that slips up…but i will always apologize if it was my mistake, and will always be happy to rewrite the edit to be sure everyone is happy
@Rhai88 @Heliosphear @AzSeaindooin420 and everyone else adding to the positive vibes here…many thanks…and with a sparkler in hand …i say again, happy 4th of today…and everyone needs to roll a blunt, and pass it this way …por favor…


I mean it ain’t a blunt but I packed the bowl full of hash, that good 73 micron screen :wink: puff puff pass


I am n ot only sitting this out but i will refrain from participating in any of your wiki s. There is no disagreement, I was overwritten. Have a great 4th


Bro, take a hit and let it go, @rhai88 had nothing to do with it aside from trying to put on a great event for these fine folks of OG so to take it out on him is Ludacris, u wanna be mad at someone then be pissed at me all you like. I overwrote u, not anyone else.

What’s the real issue here? Was 14 a lucky number or something? Do we need to trade you out to make u happy and wanna join the festivities?

It’s 4th of July, let’s bring the good vibes

If u really want to get technical u weren’t even overwritten on that edit, it dropped ur name off the list and added the prizes on to the winner prizes. No one else put their name in that spot till after I edited, hell I couldn’t even reedit and jump in till 20


Thanks @AzSeaindooin420 and @Rhai88 !!! This was fun…


Wait, where’d these come from? :yum:


Not happy with any empty jar with a small piece of tape. OTS. My wife has a little stashed away, cuz I “smoke it all up”. Well yeah… of course I am. I don’t rerun much. Lots of weed I just love, but with so many unexplored strains in my position, I’ll keep looking. But OTS is one I will grow again. Soon.