Ris - Growing Up Ganja

Ris’s First attempt at an Auction

Basic rules are as follows:

  • Each bid must be in increments of $5.
  • Tag the person you out bid in a new post.
  • I will view the thread and update the wiki periodically.
  • In case of duplicate bids It will be based on whoever was first.

Each lot is worth a minimum of $80, most are over $100. Each lot will start at $35.

Lot Number Type Bid User
Lot #1 Mystery $45 @CanuckistanPete
Lot #2 Mystery $45 @sunra108
Lot #5 Mixed $80 @Mrgreenthumb
Lot #8 Auto $50 @OhNo555
Lot #10 Photo $60 @Big_Yeloe

I will post photos of each lot shortly.

1 & 2