Ris - Growing Up Ganja

I really like Cannalope Haze

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Couple quick updates:

Firstly, DNA Genetics are now available Growing Up Ganja

Direct URL: https://www.growingupganja.com/product-category/breeders/dna/

Second, I have decided to split Growing Up Ganja into two seperate businesses. This decision was made due to the issues surrounding payment processors/banks. I will continue to sell seeds at Growing Up Ganja but will be removing all other items. These items will be placed in a new store, I just dont know what to name it.

That being said Im looking for ideas to name my hydroponic equipment and accessories business. I figured I would ask you all. Ill start with what i have so far.

Herb & Son’s
Rooted in Resin
Grow Nerd

Now i need some suggestions, and if i pick yours, you will get $50 to spend at growing up ganja(Seeds only)

@Mrgreenthumb @HeadyBearAdventures @Illicitmango @420noob @Gonzo @GEMI-CONNECT616


Since you have Growing up Ganja, maybe something like Grown-up Gardens, or Growing Strong Gardens/Grown Strong Gardens


Growing up Goodies or Goods

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Link it mentally but not legally

Growing Up Hydro.


Thanks for involving us brother!


How about. OG Hydro Supplies

I like the sound of that

I am going tocheck out your DNA line up right now…

Nice line up, will make a order tomorrow, those crockett family strains look awesome

Ris’s Hydroponics / Growing Up Inc.


@HeadyBearAdventures may have the right one

Hydroponics By Ris


Rooted up Hydro/Hydroponics

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Okay, my suggestions:
Secret Garden
2 Joints
Joint Roots
Grow Guru

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Grow Goods

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All things growing, growing up gardening equipment
I’m assuming this site name cannot mention cannabis in any way correct? Since you have to separate.
Roots 2 shoots
Growing up hydro
Hydro and grow
All things hydro
Start growing hydro
Hydro supplies to OVERGROW
OVERGROW with hydro
No dirt gardening supplies
No dirt just hygrow
Growing with water
Hydro 2 OVERGROW(supplies)
Easy hydro
Growing up


Growchacho’s by Ris…
All I got, it’s Friday and I’m blazed 3 fold

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Trees of Pleasure is what keeps popping up in my mind.

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I like things simple and related somehow… perhaps lack of imagination :rofl:

“GUG hydroponics”

I like this one, how about Growing up Gardening? …and then sponsor gardens for kids in schools so that the name is befitting.

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This sounds good :+1:

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Ok, If you have ever received a pack of seeds from me please help me out by leaving a review at my Profile of Growing Up Ganja - Strainly Im just now getting my account set up