Ris - Growing Up Ganja

Hey, looks like seedfinder was updated, you can check it out here. Also if you have a review or pictures to upload that would be awesome. Even a cut and paste from the original review on mimosa or Growing Up Ganja as a whole.

Growing Up Ganja - Mimosa


I left a review of mimosa because I couldn’t find growing up ganja on review list.

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Haha i saw your review on seedfinder… sweet!!

Great job @Ris !!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

You saw my review awesome! Glad I did it right!

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Yessir just looked… its awesome man!

Looks like growing up ganja has a listing as a breeder as well…

It also has a link to the homepage of growing up ganja


Your pic is of the Seedshop database, GrowingUp Ganja is registered as a Breeder in the Breeders and Strains database

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