Rogutopia . 2023 . What A Wonderful World

Appreciate the return of kindness, thanks!


the 1;1 stuff is good. I grew some canna-cheese and it was my favorite smoke while it was around


^ Been doing some FIM’ing, it really stopped them in their tracks, and stimulated the lower branches, whereas with topping the main stem still shoots up sometimes.
Some mild tip burn on the new light green growth that’s sticking out above the rest, very vigorous that one! So flipping to flower today. I’m looking for any of them not being up to par but they’re all growing well and reacting well to defoliating and FIM’ing so I’ll be using all of them for making seeds.

^ Violet Kush auto fem (Garden of Green)
Look at the sugar on this thing!
Scent is very mild and inconspicuous, starting to get pretty sweet, can’t compare it to anything.
Gonna be fun breeding with the rest of the seeds!
Good job Garden of Green!
Just checked out their website, currently you’ll get 6 seeds for 30 EUR.
Lots of regular non-feminized seeds!

It is very well with my soul.


I was kind enough to be put on the list? Well that was a mistake, what was I thinking? :smirk:

Good luck on the cross.

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^ First couple of days of flower cycle, went with heavy defoliation this time.
Topdressed both of the pots with a big pile of nettle and mint tea pulp.

At the bottom the Violet Kush auto fem (Garden of Green) doing great. Now and then I see the worm surfacing when humidity is high, I gotta get some avocado for it.

^ Auto Purple fem (Original Sensible), small but smelling gooood!
Not a sign of amber yet so they may bulk up some more.

^ Royal Queen Seeds 1:1 CBD:THC fem.

Some thrips here and there.

They’re my stress testing buddies. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

It is well with my soul.


As our current reality continues to get deconstructed, we have an opportunity to ponder on what reality we wish to create.

The invitation of Pluto in Capricorn is to carefully reflect on what we desire to build, what we desire to commit to, and how we desire to make an impact and serve our communities during the years and decades to come.

For me that is to continue to cultivate and breed this wonderful plant, with the intent for them to be maximally healing and soothing, inducing the most profound bliss and states of higher consciousness, may they bring clarity and a loving sense of well being and peace.

So it is. I appreciate that it is so.


^ On the left we have been gifted with 4 females and 4 males, and one yet to show sex.

Harvested the slowest ones. Heavily pruned the males.
All responded well to pruning/defoliating and showed continuous new growth.
Not much scent yet apart from that towering male which smells delicious, very refreshing and soothing soft menthol. Not like Vicks, more natural and not really like mint either.

On the right the Royal Queen Seeds 1:1 CBD:THC are doing great as well despite quite a few thrips which I keep squishing when I spot them.
Responding well to the topping.
Would have liked to veg them longer but I gotta work with the space I have…
The leaves I ate tasted very bitter, like that herbal cough medicine I got as a kid, my Royal Queen Seeds Tatanka CBD plants also tasted like that, could be typical or common for plants producing CBD.

^ Auto Purple fem (Original Sensible), plucked a few nanners off one of them, they’re getting 24hr light so I keep them a bit more in the dark now.
Since I moved them permanently to the windowsil the Sun is doing them really good and a bunch new pistils shot out in all directions and they’re bulking up a little more.
Very happy about that! :smile:

I can’t stop smelling the one on the left, it has this really funky delicious smell, the only way I can describe it in one word is dry. Somewhere between skunk and curry powder… Fascinating…
Reminds me of some crazy stuff we smoked when I was 16 that made me laugh uncontrollably inbetween the choking and coughing. :smile:
The other two are more menthol-ish.

It is well with my soul.


“Worry is a supreme waste of energy in any situation.
It creates a disturbing vibration in your field and drains you of energy.
And how do you avoid worry?
You must deal with your beliefs concerning what you choose to worry about.
Release your need to be in charge or in control of everything.
Replace your worry with a statement that affirms your choice of safety, comfort, and peace of mind. Learn more about yourself by paying attention to how you manage energy.
Be aware of what no longer works by recognizing how your inner ruminations become the movie of life that you meet in the outside world.”

— Barbara Marciniak . Path of Empowerment


Very pleased with the two RQS on the right, they’re showing decent vigor in flower.
Thrips are doing a number on them but they don’t give a shit. :muscle:

The companion plants on the other hand are much more eaten up and suffering, including the basil, but they’re there to lure the thrips away from the cannabis, so that’s kinda working. It could be much worse.

I notice a lot of black dots on the leaves, thrip excrement, so it’s like foliar feed really. :smile:
And so there’s always a bright side to everything that seems bad.

My mystery crosses on the left are much less liked by the thrips so hopefully that trait will carry over to the offspring. They’re all doing well considering the defoliation and pruning and thrips.

It is well with my soul.


Badabababa… I’m loving it!

Nice Rogue after transplant. Was gonna do this a week ago, but I wanted to see more roots first.

Edit: dang those are blurry. I’ll do better next time


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And so it has begun…

The great Rogue 11-A orgy of 2023.
Right on time for All Hallows Eve.
What a nice treat indeed.

It is well with my soul.


Harvest time for the three little Auto Purple fem (Original Sensible).

The smell changed to an extra dry, musky, gassy, sour/sweet berries fragrance.
It all screamed louder than before, and to be sure, I shuffled the tarot deck and the King of Cups fell out, so that’s a yes to chopping!

I may have spotted a few amber trichomes, so off with their heads! :crossed_swords:
Spotted a couple of nanners too, so won’t be breeding with this line.

It’s also new moon in Scorpio, I thanked them for the great joy, bliss, and ecstasy they help me experience, the wisdom and the health, etc.

It’s not much but it’s better than nothing!

Next harvest will be the Violet Kush auto fem, has plenty of milky trichomes already, still quite a few clear and no amber yet.

Up next I’m gonna take two pots from outside and sow beans for nitrogen and two of Zamnesia’s Purple Haze auto fem’s that I got as freebies.

Focusing on building stash for winter/spring, making auto seeds is for after that.

It is well with my soul.


Wow, cool thread, but no Satchmo playing in the back ground?

Man I miss him!!


That’s exactly why I changed the title of this thread to What A Wonderful World. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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The dried buds of the three Auto Purple fem (Original Sensible), all together it smells faintly like strawberries.

This time 2 hours and 10 minutes at 100 C / 212 F.

I am floating in higher realms right now.
Wonderful feeling. Creative mood. Happy with life.
Very bliss. Much wonderful.

It is mega well with my soul.

I love you all.


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It’s been over a week since I sowed the Purple Haze auto’s and they’re not showing up.
May have sowed them too deep… so I was thinking perhaps that’s why they aren’t being triggered, probably too cold.

Pulled a card wondering if I should sow some more and behold, The Chariot, that’s a yes.


Sowed two freebies in one pot: Zamnesia Runtz auto fem and Zamnesia Critical Auto fem, making sure they’re not too deep.

The other pot got four Hot Cakes auto by @Going2fast

The most vigorous one of each pot will live.

Thanks again for the seeds!

It’s raining outside and found this little one on the terrace when I went out for some fresh air, so I guess it wanted to be friends and a change of scenery so I took it in. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

There’s a couple in almost all my pots now. :green_heart:

I appreciate you making the soil better my friends.


Pollination successful, all males are gone now.

May they continue to flower magnificently!

^ These two have a mild sour catpiss scent going on. :upside_down_face:
Let’s hope their babies smell a bit more interesting. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

^ Royal Queen Seeds 1:1.

^ Violet Kush auto finishing up.

I appreciate everything going well.

It is well with my soul.


^ One of the four Hot Cakes auto by @Going2fast that survived. :green_heart:

Lost one sprout to a slug, the other two weren’t feeling it and melted back into the soil.