Root development from peat moss cube

How long should I wait for the roots to develop in the root pods?

I’ve got tap roots to the bottom of the pods as they’re suspended over water.

Do I transplant asap so the tap can burow, or let their roots develop further before transplant?

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I would tranplant them, it is normal to let them develope longer in hydro, is it your case? :sunglasses:

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If i remember correctly .5 to 1 inch long then make a hole with seed shell on the edge and tap root down fill hole make a mound and a trench around the mound to water so root will search for water and let nature take its course

Peace out and stay safe

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No, ill be putting into soil

Sorry i thought you were germing them on paper towelread post wrong

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No worries :+1: :v::peace_symbol::call_me_hand:

They can get lots of porcupine roots out the sides without issues or plant into pots now water accordingly so your cube doesn’t get moisture sucked out by the pot it gets put into.

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Just decided to get it over with lol.

Blue Mystic - Nirvana Seeds.


I plant and water in as soon as I see they are sprouted. His last batch, I posted directly. I prefer peat pellets over those coco ones, the last batch of seeds I started in them pushed themselves out with the two root instead of digging down. I also prefer the peat for cuttings, but I can’t find them around here anymore :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Yea, my problem is with that preformed hole! And the base never being flat on any of these things. The jiffy peat pucks, never had an issue with them. Can shape them a bit to stand in their own, and the material was loose, so you can plant and hurry the seed, or have there be positive contact with the stem of a cutting. I don’t use any of the trays sold for seed starting or cuttings, I need them to stand on their own, and preferably have some weight to them lol.
Is is the seeds coming out of the preformed hole, I put them in as firmly as I dared when planting. the tap root was already showing when I put the seeds in.


If your going to grow them out in soil why not just start them in soil ? That’s what I do with out issues . :smiley:


I literally put the seed in and pushed it down with a toothpick :green_heart:

I do that too, but for some reason the pete pods make me feel I dont know, I just like the quicker germination. At least it makes it.easier to catch a dud early on


I soaked my seeds till hey had roots showing, I don’t want to risk breaking that tail putting it in. With the lose peat in the pucks, I can make a hole big enough, put it in, and tamp it back down. This last round, I just soaked, and planted strait into small container when they were almost all cracked and had tails. Only 1 out of 11 didn’t crack after planting.

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I’ve had zero issues with damping off with peat pucks and I use cloches to control humidity. The pucks seem to inhibit the opportunistic moulds that attack the seedlings.




Wowza! How long after germination did you let those go for before planting?

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@nefrella If you meant me, that was ten days since the seed went into the cube, the seed had a tail prior to going in about a half inch long, that was my first attempt at using rapid rooters 2 yrs ago.

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just to say I compared rapid rooter to my cloning machine for clones and the cloning machine won later