Helpful advice and a couple of tips for new growers

hey everyone, this is mysterious stranger

here are a few tips for new growers

  1. don’t be impatient. try to socialise with friends, work, go on forums, goto bars concerts, etc. don’t bother plants lol.
  2. you don’t need to germ in a cup or a paper towel, potentially damaging a taproot in the process, you can germinate them in a tray with water and a cube tray with rooting plugs or rock wool plugs. if you keep seeds under light they may germinate faster cause of photosynthesis
  3. organics fucking rock. I sprinkled a little bit of a shovels worth of dolomite lime and phos guano on 4 plants. I just feed hose water. one got brown and it was an auto but its still blooming, hairs are turning orange. If you add too many organics to your soil your plant may have severe problems that may be hard to fix, research this
  4. keep everything clean and wash your hands often
  5. don’t tell people you grow
  6. ive had ebb and flow grows where I didn’t change the Rez, I just dumped in a little bit of nutes and flushed at the end. came out fine but im going on memory
  7. some online clone places sell infected clones. be wary.
  8. if your afraid of cloning, take a seedling tray with water, a growing cube tray, and root plugs that are damp 100% and just placing the cutting in the cubes under a little light. should root in 7-10 days. I just setup cubes in my 2x4 ebb and flow tables and place clones directly in the rooting plug and let it go full lights 24hrs flood and ive rarely had a clone that didnt root, but it is possible some clones won’t root or take longer
  9. try amazon. for 12$ a month they deliver grow and other goods same day to 2 day, we’re talking nutes and rolling papers and tvs like stuff, like Walmart. the 12$ a mo thing is amazon prime
  10. be wary of snakes and snitches
  11. its best to experiment when your new, but if your interested in advanced marijuana growing you should experiment every time, even keeping a log
  12. buy everything before and keep a calendar, even keep a journal

and check out George Cervantes books and rc Clarkes book ‘marijuana botany’, it can help with breeding seeds

hope this helps!

mysterious stranger


Forgot to add, always use litfa.


Good stuff @mysterious_stranger…thx for all the gd info. Appreciate it and you!


LITFA is sage advice whether it’s growing, fermenting, brewing…


LITFA just like @PoundTown says… They want to live. Let them.

Follow the VPD chart as much as possible.

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Great advice.
Paper towel method was not for me.
After losing a bunch of expensive seeds ( kept them too wet.) Eazy plugs in a humidity dome require far less attention & do not need to be touched at all. I’ve had :100: germination on my last approx 30 seeds from different breeders since switching things up.

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I’m not the biggest fan of the paper towel method either. It works but it also can have the root growing into the towel and then you have to separate them which can suck.

I do like the method some you can see if the seed popped and you don’t have to spend extra time waiting to figure it out.

For example, I just ordered 10 seeds. I put 4 on a towel. 3 popped. One didn’t. I was able to get another seed going early, just a few days lost vs who knows how long in a soil situation. So now I have 4 plants with 1 only lagging the others by 3 days.

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Hi Poundtown, I understand what you mean.
The plugs I use have very shallow holes, so the seed is just visible.
My exact method…
Once seeds are in the hole, i rub the surface of plug to get very thin coverage over the seed, then i loosely place a damp paper towel over the tray of cubes, directly under lights & in humidity dome. Helps with humidity & to give a little protection from the light.
i mist the paper towel once day until it’s germinated. Recently averaging about 3 days.
So I guess what im trying to say is… in a shallow hole I can still see very early what the seeds are doing.
Every one has there ways I guess. That’s just mine. :+1:t2:

That makes sense to me. I’ll try that method in my next batch. Thanks!

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:fire: I’d love to hear if it works good for you also. keep us posted. :ok_hand:t2:

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thanks for everyones replies! i have some notes, some seeds under light have their tap root turned green by the light, and if youre going with the light route you should cover up the rooter plugs hole with a little bit of a rooter plug, just tear a little off a spare one. thats just if youre scared of getting a dead taproot, but in some configs they sprout the next 2-3 days, couldve been because of fresher seeds

i think the light helping seeds as an error on my part, because theyre more reliant on stuff like heat then light at beginning stages

ive never really used a dome or humidty or anything for seedlings or clones. i just plant in cubes and plant in soil/ebb and flow cube. ive had overnight sprouting using this technique, i think when the seed casing gets water and its in the cube, the cubes rooting hormone kicks in and they sprout faster

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Hey mate, when u say cubes are you meaning rockwool cubes?

im talking about rooter plugs, i think these have some micronutes and i think mycorrizae, but some do and could be worth the long hall
also some seeds just plain take longer to germinate, in my haydays of icmag it took some seeds up to 2 weeks to sprout : General Hydroponics Rapid Rooter, Starter Plug for Seeds or Cuttings, Great for Soil or Hydroponics Growing System, 50 Plugs : Plant Germination Kits : Patio, Lawn & Garden

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Ah yep. They are my go to now. Said good bye to the rockwool ( algae cubes ) & never looked back.