Samwells Purple Poison Cookies

Not sure if anyone has poated this idea yet…but I keep this one in my back pock2t for hard to crack/old seeds…


I have a film bottle lined with sand paper i use for this. I didnt use it on these though.

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They are starting to grow taps. I think they are gonna be just fine. Are all the purple poison cookie beans real small? I appreciate your concern.


Have faith in the small beans! My “Scoutcicle” seeds are half the size of their sister seeds from 2 other plants but they’re doing nicely. Dynamite in small packages right?

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The Mac f2 @SamwellBB send to me are some of the smallest seeds i’ve seen

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the Port Wine Cheese are the smallest seeds I have made but they germinate perfectly
the Purple Poison Cookies beanz are not usually very small, I would call them medium size
some of the Baked Beanz Purple Poison Cookies seeds

here’s one of the Purple Poison Cookies ladies that I grew

one also had a mutation


Feed me seymore…imagin xrYed seeds tgat produce a plant like seymore…lol

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