Secret Santa Canada 2021 Sign UP WIKI CLOSED

i know who it was as he and i were the only two americans participating in this one. a little over 2 weeks ago he said he sent it, so maybe it got lost or delayed but i’m not expecting to ever see it. i wouldn’t feel right accepting a gift from you, but instead could you just pass out a bunch of the black snow seeds i send you in the next care package? that would mean more to me.


Hey brother, I am happy to send out those Black Snow as discussed but I am OG Santa, lol, send me your details so I can send you something for Christmas, you don’t want to hurt Santa’s feelings do you? :slight_smile:


GGGGRRRrrrrr Santa :santa: don’t like this …

I’m truly sorry to be reading :books: this as it breaks my heart… I’m hopeful the mail is just horribly slow and it’s still on its way to you… However, you will receive a Santa Gift :gift: :wink:

I’m sorry that this time turned out this way, again.

Ps. I messaged your secret sender for tracking information to clarify this situation .


I’m really feeling for you @anonymous4289. Singling out shit like this always eats away at me. When I get into something like this I feel like a giant target and it’s not a good feeling at all.

I’m so very happy though that we started up a grow journal thread for your creation so we can all share in their developments. The examples I’ve seen already are damn impressive; so if anything by applying 80’s movie logics your Secret Santa gift was with you the entire time. :hugs:


Yeah I feel like us Canadians shouldn’t leave our adopted American brother hanging… I have a few things I could kick in…


Wow, Congrats!! Just catching up here… awesome news.

Not so awesome for @anonymous4289

@DougDawson please let me know if I can chip in any way!


Seconded, have a thing or 2 to lift an honorary Canucks spirit.


@anonymous4289 let me know if any mail arrives tomorrow, I know in Canada mail is still on holladays… Also no message back to me from your secret Santa ;(

I’ll have to wait about a week for payday, but I’ll make it right for ya.

Anyone els who wanted to help out as well, plz message @anonymous4289 for shipping details.
I don’t feel right given out the addy without premission.


Wasn’t his secret Santa in the USA? Really sucks that this happened but it can easily be made right. I will send him off some seeds this week. He sent me his info and said he didn’t need anything from me but I am going to send anyway. He is a good guy, nobody should be missed and Christmas :slight_smile:


Yes your correct



i know i’m stubborn but i would prefer noone sends anything. it’s not any of your faults my package didn’t arrive. i would say @DougDawson you can share my info but if someone sends something it has to be very cheap, i definitely don’t want anything of monetary value.

i greatly appreciate the kindness you guys are showing, though it isn’t necessary. if someone sends me something i’ll be adding them to my list for seeds from my next seed run, the plants are seedlings now but i expect good things.


reading thru this as it popped up on my list and there always has to be one … was such a fun read until the end seen you get shafted. hope you get something in the mail eventually and it was all just a misunderstanding. happy new years man


Hey @Chronickyle , did you ever get that battery I sent? I have not seen an update.


not yet, mail has been atrocious here lately (really small town). Havnt checked today yet could be out their but i have a long drive way and its to cold :snowflake::sweat_smile: Ill post in here when it arrives.


How about my package any sign yet ?


No sir, did get my washing machine and bags today thought :slight_smile:


Nice, I’ve looked at buying one but don’t make enough hash yet to make it worthwhile

Can’t wait until we see you demonstrate it for us


Honestly I got a deal. I just bought some bags recently to try this for the first time and DannyTerpintine posted the new version of the bubblebagdudes washing machine with a full set of 8 bubblebagdude bags. So I returned my Amazon purchased unused and got Danny’s machine shipped to me. Ended up costing me $85 more than originally spent but for better quality bags and the machine. I figured the first time I had to sit here for 15 minutes with a drill and paint stirrer that I would happily pay that extra money to avoid it, lol.


just got a pack of seeds from @TopicalWave because i never got anything for secret santa. big thanks to him.


There you go bud, Christmas in February :slight_smile: Merry Christmas :santa: