Seed Banks/ Breeders

Hi everyone!

I’m super excited to be here! I recently finished my time in the U.S. Air Force (honorably discharged!) and have been getting into gardening as a way to decompress and heal—both physically and mentally. It’s crazy because I never thought I’d be someone who enjoyed gardening, but here I am, completely hooked!

Lately, I’ve become fascinated by the idea of growing my own cannabis. I started smoking to help with chronic knee and back pain from my military days, and it’s been a lifesaver! The only problem is… well, cannabis is expensive with all the outrageous taxes! And seeds? Oh my gosh, I had no idea how pricey they could be! Some of the bigger seed banks I’ve looked at have SO many options, but the cost and mixed reviews make my head spin. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I’ve done some research and even found a site called Seeds for Vets, but they have a long waitlist and aren’t taking new requests right now. So I figured I’d ask here if anyone had any advice for a total newbie! If you know of any good, affordable seed banks (bonus points if they have veteran discounts) or if you happen to have extra seeds lying around, I’d be beyond grateful!

I’ve been growing a small garden with inexpensive seeds (non-cannabis) to get the hang of things, but I’m really eager to jump into the world of cannabis growing. I’ve been reading up on pheno hunting and the different growth stages, and I’m just so fascinated by the whole process! It all looks so rewarding, and I’d love to be able to grow my own medicine instead of paying those crazy dispensary prices.

Any help, whether it’s seeds, advice, or even pointing me toward good resources for new growers, would be so appreciated! Thanks so much for reading my little rant, and thank you all for being such a cool, welcoming community! :seedling::sparkles:


Currently there’s an auction here at OG with several lot’s of seeds


Welcome to the community! Might as well dive in the deep end now ;).


Welcome to OG @NBYamu , thank you for your service. :v:


DC Seed Exchange is operated by a Vet named Paul. He’d be a good person to contact for recommendations/etc. Best of luck in your quest and thank you for your sacrifices!


once a year here on OG , there is an awesome giveaway specifically for Veterans. Keep an eye out for that as it is an incredible way to start a worthy seed collection and a great cause supported by a whole lot of good folks here.


l will second DCSeed Exchange and, they do have a 15% veterans discount. One of my personal favorite vendors is Hazeman seeds and, for $60/pack, I have found multiple potential keepers in every pack I have tried, with much better succcess rates than many other much higher priced seed companies.


@JohnnyPotseed hall of genetics here on OG has many great choices at 20.per pack with occasional deals and specials.


@NBYamu welcome to OverGrow! Thank you for your service!
There are a lot of damn good strains offered fairly cheap, by a lot of good breeders here. Thnx for the tag @Hashpants
to see what I have offered just click this link, the last post in the thread has over 70 strains/crosses.


Thank you for your service and welcome to OG.


Welcome to OG! Agree with everything suggested. I made an order with DCSE and took advantage of their veteran discount and the freebie hookups were insane!

Looking forward to a grow journal from you, peace :dove:

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Also, if you deployed to a combat zone and received a CAB or similar medal/badge you are entitled to benefits. I’ve helped a lot of my vet friends get the compensation they deserve - It can be a process but if you’re entitled you definitely deserve it!! If you think you might qualify shoot me a DM and I can give you some great veterans sources to reach out to and get the ball rolling for you


Welcome. Wondering if you’re seeking seeds for indoors? Do you have equipment?

Thank you for your service.


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Hey! Thanks for the welcome. Indoor seeds for right now since its coming up on winter but I would like to do some outdoor when it’s summer again! I got a grow tent and grow light second hand for super cheap so that’s all my equipment right now!


Hey! Thanks for the warm welcome. I appreciate you offering assistance with the VA! those guys sure can be a hassle sometimes. Good thing is I had a very good supervisor towards the end and he’s been a ton of help with the VA and was able to get me set up right with all that stuff! Happy to hear there’s other vets on here! Thanks a lot!

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Welcome to OG and thank you for your service @NBYamu

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thanks for your service - use this site “” for seed banks and strains Happy hunting/Cultivation !!! now the fun starts ((you will find that many banks that give Vet discounts) check out “Purpose Genetics” for free seed for vets , so you can get on their list Also “irie” offer free seeds + he has many other great genetics (Great Breeder - Rasta Jeff)

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