Woo hoo! You are the leader of this run no please and thank you needed. . . And look at you go, you big bad leader you​:+1::+1::+1:


It is always needed, and IMHO a must. Otherwise we lack anything worth looking at.

I gotcha @Hoodini, no worries man. This project will be awesome, we just need some structure, is all.

Sci :robot:


thanks Joe, you’re definitely an evenhanded enforcer of community standards. I’m sure that organicgorilla has something to contribute to the community, and not to stick my nose where it doesn’t belong, but his rant against people with disabilities a week ago was absolutely going too far. I don’t think that shaming people with disabilities should be tolerated on a community forum that largely deals with medical cannabis. I say this now that he is temporarily banned because I have no interest in engaging with him on this topic.

I’m really hoping that gorilla will consider his statements recently, and come back with a clear head and some more productive ways to contribute to the conversation.


I have dealt with him thru PM and he’s not a bad guy at all. Too radical on his way of thinking maybe, and i like that. I like people who are different, people who dare to be different, and i like the guy i really do.

Even after he called me a TOOL! LOLOLOLOLOL

Guy knows a lot and sure, he could be a great part of this community, and i really hope this ban doesn’t throw him off.


Well everybody is a little MAD, but we just need to be civil outside the tank.


More importantly, let’s get on with the show my brothers & sisters!!!

I wasted no time at all getting them planted in some Jiffy peat plugs that were soaked in water with a sprinkle of TM7 (micro-nutrients, humic & fulvic). The seed holes were sprinkled with VAM (mycorrhizal fungi & micro-nutrients) and the scuffed seeds were placed approximately 1/4 inch deep with some of the peat pulled over them. The lid to the container was loosely placed over the top to help keep the humidity high and the whole container was placed in a spot that will keep it at about 78 degrees Fahrenheit.

Now I’m headed to the grow shed to assemble the 4’x4’ raised bed, fill it with my compost blend (I’m tempted to call it vermicompost because it’s got 3 kinds of worms working it all the time), and sprinkle some mini white clover on it so the cover crop get’s a good start.

Copied this from my other grow journal, because it doesn’t change much!

The soil is recycled from 2 years ago, mixed with kitchen scraps and aged a year with earth worms. Amended with insect frass, rabbit manure, Build-A-Soil Craft Blend, Grow-Sil rice hull silica, BioAg TM7, Ground Malted Barley, Kelp, Organic Soybean meal, etc. and drenched in Compost Tea (brewed in a Tim Wilson bioreactor). Then topped with straw, and mini clover seeds.

The raised bed is reclaimed non-treated wood, 1"x12", pieces. The first layer is my version of “Hugelkultur,” which is all the wood/bark/branches/coco coir screened out of the compost pile after a year. The woody mass will retain water and is already inoculated with tons of good microbiology & humic acids.

Layer two is half of the soil from my last grow, which still has tons of good nutrients in it, already available to growing plants! Also, a scoop of compost, because I forgot to take the photo until I’d already started layer three. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Layer three is fresh vermicompost, with a ridiculous quantity of worms still in it (100’s)!

Layer four is the rest of last cycle’s recycled soil, with amendments (all organic covering short, mid and long term release rates), the mini clover seed added and the whole thing watered in with some em1, mammothP (I just got my sample bottle so I might as well try it), some comfrey FPJ and WSC. Then I topped the whole thing with a light sprinkling of Grokashi to help start the amendment break down process. I still need to add a thin layer of straw type material as a mulch, but that will wait until tomorrow. I keep it thin because the clover will act as a living mulch reducing the need for anymore dry mulch.

From today forward the soil will only get water, and FPJ or WSC as needed. If they look like they need a serious nitrogen dose, which is very rare, I’ll give them some dilute oceanic hydrolysate.


Holy Moly @Sebring, talk about readiness man!

This is going to be epic brothers and sisters.

Thanks for your dedication and time, you are doing God’s work bro.

Sci :robot:


Man I’m so interested in how this turns out, best of luck to all! Grow on🤘


My worm bins are empty, as is my old compost bin, and all my recycled soil! The only thing I still have working is the new compost. :blush:

Need to finalize my light order for SolStrip rails and finalize my order for Blumat drip tape! I’m doing everything I can to make sure that the ONLY stress the plants feel is from the chitin/chitinase in the soil and the occasional pruning to expand the canopy. All stress isn’t good for plants, only specific stresses cause them to increase defensive responses like the production of secondary metabolites.

@MadScientist hehe, I’ve been doing this stuff for so long I do it more by habit than by intent!
@StevieG Thank you! My biggest challenge these days is keeping the plants from getting out of control. :thumbsup:


So awesome! Last week it was an idea, today it’s history! I feel so happy, this is an inspiring moment guys!:+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:


Wow very impressive dude. :heart_eyes::+1::clap:

Mine will be a little more simple than that.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Very excited to see how these turn out.

Let the games begin! :v:


Believe it or not this was harder to write up than it was to construct. :smiley:


@Sebring it was professionally put together and I loved the added touch, great job​:clap::trophy:
@Fewding that’s kinda hard to beat, don’t feel bad, my logs aren’t that great either hehe✌


You’re soil formula made me drool! (Yeah I’m a bit off) I’m taking notes!!!


I’m really lazy, like F*CK work lazy, but I learned a long time ago that you have to put in a lot of work first to earn those lazy stretches, so I started researching how to make perfect soil and what each part did. I’m to the point that I can almost tell what my soil is lacking, or will lack, just based on what the plants are doing. If I get around to it I’ll list some of the stuff I use with why I use it when I use it and what it’s entire effect is on the microbiology, macrobiology and the plant.

I also spent years making every mistake you can, even going so far as to introduce mistakes just to see what the effect would be. Yep, I’m THAT guy. :slight_smile: What I learned was that at least half of all the stuff the average grower tells you to do/not do is complete garbage. It’s not their fault though. They did something one time and mis-attributed it to a positive effect, e.g. apple sales correlating with tampon sale doesn’t mean apples cause women to have periods.


Thank you for letting people know it’s not my fault​:sob: it’s a huge weight lifted off my shoulders :wink:


Morning everyone.

@Sebring do you have any more pics of what’s going on? The way i am i wanna see them seeds soaking and all.

Everything that it’s happening, whenever you have a chance!

Sci :robot:

Going over the thread i see they went in the pellets, i forgot… What was i talking about?

Will need to wait a few days before cotyledons show…



Lol, yes, I “soak my seeds” in the soil. I’ve found the best success by putting scuffed seeds into aseptic peat plugs soaked in water, with a sprinkle of humics and mycorrhiza. I started years ago my mimicking nature 100% and worked at removing things that caused lowered survival rates or weren’t showing improved rates. Once I see cotyledons they’ll get transplanted to their final home. If you have the room to do it that way then it eliminates the stresses we don’t want.
I tried a bunch of different media, coconut water, sst, aloe, etc. They weren’t bad, they just weren’t better. #litfa


I’m very glad I missed that. :wheelchair: :herb: :rage:




Would this team be in on it to make sure and we preserve the genetics by mailing samples of cuts to the people interested in doing the TC thing…?
