Seed Trading, Moderated (Part 2)

Do you have brain damage? I told you I was finishing up seeds and wanted to include you in those. Ug yea let everyone know your an idiot.

On December 15th you told me they would go out next week. So no, no brain damage, just going by what you said.


No hurry Bruh. Take your time and give it thought.


Here is the MOB you sent me. It a plug cut, will not grow. Been 2 months like this. Has roots but going nowhere.

Cool, and like I said Iā€™d gladly send you more on my dime when the weather warms up. I have done exactly what I said I would do. Other people have MOB cuts and others from me that are growing just fine.


Not to be a douche but it looks like one party got thier half of a trade and the other hasnā€™t? 2 months seems like a while to wait tbhā€¦

@DEFSeeds @JustANobody


He was told fresh seeds were gonna be sent to him. Its winter took longer to dry and cure than normal. Thatā€™s small amount of time in the grow world I do not send out seeds that are no dry. He was told that

I sure hope Iā€™m in the right place here. I had a couple of seeds from Ministry of Cannabis and the strain was Carnival. They were probably 2 years old when given to me and it was probably 4 years later that I learned the right way to store seeds. So when I tried to grow them they did nothing at all. I honestly donā€™t have the funds to buy any so was hoping someone here might have a few in their vaults they would be willing to part with. I have some good strains available to trade. The Carnival seeds I had were fems.

Please send me a PM if youā€™re able to help.

Thanks guys and gals


Communication is key. If someone is told a date and weeks go by, I could understand the frustration. If more time was needed, an update or eta usually goes a long way. Hope all works out :v:


I agree we all need to handle things like adults and now freak out over little things where communication could have avoided issues We all are busy with our lives some respect for that would be appreciated.

Sorry to say mate but I think your in the wrong. You got your half, and sounds like Nobody was told youā€™d send out within a week and then didnā€™t. Sounds like he tried to handle it in DM and got the run around. And now your being a little rude defending yourself. Obviously your communication to him in that time wasnā€™t good or he prob wouldnā€™t have called you out in public. Just my two cents. Like I said, hope everything gets resolved :v:


Also kinda bad form to trade things you donā€™t have in hand.


Unless this is made clear and known to those involved.


True @THCeed

You are entitled to your opinion. I donā€™t rip people off. Yā€™all commenting on a situation you donā€™t have all the details.

Never said you did or implied you were going to. Just saying communication is key. And prob why this situation has come up. Sounds like you and Nobody should resolve in DM. :v:


Definitely not the place to have this discussion dm is more appropriate to a point. Hope everything works out.
Still looking for Diamond Dust seeds. Iā€™ve only had from a dispensary is from grower company Virtue canā€™t buy seeds at dispensary here. Iā€™d love to find and share this strain as it my fav smoke along with Jenny kush from dispensary.


@420noob ill see if I can find it but I saw a post the other day about some Jenny kush seeds.

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Oh jenny kush is going on repro that was just extra talking. The Diamond Dust is the one I canā€™t find. @Hotrods_and_hounds
Thanks though man :+1:


What is a plug cut?
Iā€™m not familiar with the term.