Seed Trading, Moderated (Part 2)

You still sitting on those FREAKSHOWS? Interested, if still available. THANKS, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Sure do! DM your details!


@misterbee just a heads up that I have a batch of Supafreak cooking on the plants right now. They have your name on them. I hate to keep saying “They’re coming”, but these will be done in January, along with the ABC cross that I owe you.


Those freakshows are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen labeled “freakshows” amazing grows and strians. I can’t stop coming back and looking at the


Almost had that for my wake n bake. Gonna try those again in the spring, more out in the open :+1:t2:


So my listed favorite strains in my profile I can’t find seeds for this is quite disappointing. Does any have or know of jenny kush or diamond dust (not diamonds & dust) seeds any where please let me know. It seems a tragedy I can’t find the seeds to grow my 2 favorite strains. Thanks ogers



Thanks @Oldjoints I’ve scoured for those 2 strains. 1000 thank yous my good sir!


You know I don’t mind waiting!!! NO IOU’s, Bro, you deserved EVERYTHING you got, my pleasure. I luv your OG SPIRIT!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’ve used chitownseeds once. Fast service with no problems, seed-city is popular with good reviews but I have never personally used them.


Mephisto told me they are in production right now white crack is supposed to be available next year( I know it’s a couple weeks) so hopefully soon. That’s been my Moby dick as well


That’s good to hear that thanks for letting me know @420noob also I was told that they’re going have MBAP (Man Bear Alien Pig) this coming year as well and I have a Toof Decay germinating now and my (Double Grape x 3 Bears OG) x CDLC freebie is on day 3 of hang drying but it’s a great cross if anyone else has it it is well worth trying out!


No California

I have Humboldt freakshow

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Looking to Trade, say, “1 for 1”? Got someone looking, promised I’d do what I could to find some. Got 5 - 6 incoming, but looking to increase. THANKS for the offer, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m looking for serious cat piss terps, ssh also Durban poison/trainwreck funk

I got a Durban poison/Hawaiian cat piss coming that I’m hoping t find something good in to cross with trainwreck × hashplant from body

Really excited about the st jude sale from loudog since I’m getting some Casey Jones from him. I’m also hoping to put some $$ aside enough to send gooeyvreeder a hundred bucks for sme mom gooey ad old medo Haze, just bummed they are only 5 packs of seeds and he says the mom gooey pheno is 2 outta 10 I hope I don’t waste 50 bucks chasing something

Eventually I hope to have decent keepers of romulan/hashplant/gooey/haze/trainwreck/caseyjones/chemdawg type stuff to try and make some crosses thsg have the flavors profiles I haven’t had since buying 40dollar 8ths from Arcata and thinking I was getting such a killer deal compared to 50 dollar 8ths in Redding, lol

If anyone knows where I can get real e32/Arcata trainwreck cuts I’d be soon grateful. Or a good pheno of cherbobyl. I had bloodberries seeds I was saving but those got taken wit everything else. I wanted to try that goji og×bloodwreck.blood-red… when I get on norstar and badgers pages on genetic supply I just wanna throw my money at them(good thing I don’t have any) lol

On a positive I sold my Mandolin and added to my lil savings was able to buy a van, so stoked to gave a vehicle again and can go to thr store or wherever without hitchhiking to town

Only has one highbeam headlight that works so it a lil sketch driving back up the mountain


I guess that post was confusing and pointless kinda, sorry guys I just smoked a joint, lol

I just finished listening to pot cast with mean gene n now I wanna try growing some if his gear, same thing with Tom hill, chimera, Bob Hemphill, man any of the interviews that sound like someone I would get along with makes me want to grow their gear. I been hanging out with these dudes that don’t even know me, lol. That’s why I love these boards when I get go talk to people who are as big of nerds as me. Everyone in my real life is too cool to be cool and super lame to have
Conversations with. Glad to have yall to flap gums with(or fingers I guess,lol)


Anyone have a lead on Sunshine 4 beans? Just putting this out there into the cosmos….
Hope everyone is well this morning!


@Radicle_Reefer has some Hawaiian Cat Piss pollen from AKBB. That could help you in your search for the finest Catpiss a man could get his hands on.


@CrunchBerries I’ve got OM4, Hashplant4, and chem91 x ssdd. But no sunshine 4