Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

You just want the free coir I’m on to you.


LOL…That seems a good fit… :heart_eyes:
We have bigger plans for you than coconuts. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

You will be in charge of Canna Chemistry. :money_mouth_face:

Thanks for the country code.


Shhhh that’s part of the plan…


So the only female I know of on the island is @Bobgrows
She seems of good sport and fairly tolerant of the male shenanigans. :wink:
But please, remember to give her the respect she deserves, please.

Any other females here on the island?

On a fun note here:
Mary Ann and Ginger do not count they are not residents.
I think they are more like day workers on the island and worn out by the looks of em too.
You guys may need to give those 2 a break for a while…LOL


I am willing to sponsor a brand new member here his name is @Thirdcoaster
He is a long time friend, we keep in touch outside of the internet too.
We have met in real life, shared some smoke around the bonfire and talked each others ear off. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I am very confident in him as an island family member.
I hereby put my Island family membership on the chopping block, if he messes up and turns out to be a snake in the grass.

You folks can boot me off the island if this one turns out to be anything other than an asset to the family and to OG itself.

All those opposed please feel free to speak up for any and all reasons.


Yeah whatever just don’t block my sun





Any fate you choose for traitors is fine with me.

There is a rumor of headhunters on the island so you may meet some friends or they may be competition for ya… :wink:


Just a reminder, taking orders for unrooted cuts of the following.

I think as family members on the Island, we all need to follow the rules set forth by the OG site first and foremost, it is important that we all comply with site rules and thus we maintain proper security on the island.
As a reminder, these are the rules the site has set forth for trading ect.

From @shaggyballs

  1. Albany Headband (looking to park)
    Lil’ bit about the Headband.
    I got it from a friend at another place.
    I will try to find out how he obtained it.
    Very unique sweet taste, pretty potent my guess is 7-8, I do not give out 10’s.
    Taste is 8-9 ish, smoker subjective of course.
    The yield is pretty good a 7-8 and pretty easy to grow.
  2. Indiana Bubblegum (looking to park) pending with @PotBoy
  3. Strawberry Guava (looking to park) pending with @PotBoy
  4. Banana Haze (Antenna Seeds) (Looking to park)
  5. Scooby’s Snack (Stardog x Granola funk IBL) 5 year project (parked with @shaggyballs )

I would like to get these out to the Canadian side of the island too.
We still need to talk about shipping and shipping cost and payment also.

Open to any and all ideas here.

I do not mean to push, I know some are already working hard in the background.
My hope is to get these in as many hands as possible, in hopes of someone liking them so much they find a home.

This make room for new stock to come onto the island and then become available too.

I guess what I am saying here is…
My garage is full, but I have cars/clones waiting to park, but no open spots are available.

Now some kind folks have said they are able to take some of these on in the very near future.
But it never hurts to get em into a few more hands.

Just cause you take em does not mean you have to keep em.
Even if you commit to parking something at your place, does not mean you get stuck with it.
If you no longer want it, just offer it back up to the group for parking.
If no one wants to keep it round anymore we toss it in favor of what is popular.

Think of this like a foster dog, if it does not work out you don’t have to keep it.
Sure you can try a different one. :wink:
We want you to find a dog you like so you are happy keep it.
If you have any questions post em here, please!


I may be interested in trying a couple over on my side of the island. Ill send my messenger parrot over with a greeting card, but beware he is an asshole and may eat everything in sight…



Hey @shag , this all seems like a fun idea.
I’m gonna be physically compromised for a few months yet but when I’m back on my feet I’m game to participate.
I have very few contacts for elite cuts these days but I do have a generous plant count so it is easy for me to keep small mothers here n there if a certain variety is in need of a home for backup purposes.
For everyone else … many will know me by another name as I have been around a couple sites. SHSC-1 is just short for Strawberry Hill SC -1
I’m a craft breeder so may have some of my own cuts , pollen or seeds to share within this here little group from time to time.


Folks are currently working behind the scene to make the Canadian Clone parking garage a reality for all the family members on that side of the island.

If this works out right you will have spots to park your clones on your side of the island. :canada:

If and when possible it would be good to have all things backed up on both sides of the island.
If the Canadian connection goes down the American side is a parachute.
And vice versa of course.

It does not hurt to double or even triple back up some valuable genes.
But let us get one copy backed up before we take over the world here… :grimacing:


Go ahead and send the bird on over, I sent @catapult to the other side of the island to plant some cat nip.
He should be safe, we have a ton of cannabis seeds for your bird to eat, so there should not be any problems…LOL


Working on my smoothie/juice shack. The coco canna catnip will keep everyone cool as a kitty

Also currently in process of getting moms grown out of a couple Goji OG pheno’s that could be parked elsewhere.


A coco canna catnip smoothy you say, sounds Purrrr-fect! :joy_cat:

Goji OG
I have never had any myself, but I hear it is highly sought after!
Thank you kind sir for thinking of us here on the island.


A very interesting place you guys have here, thanks for pointing me this direction @shag :pray: and only a 3 hour tour away…nice :+1:


A three hour tour…
The weather started getting rough the tiny ship was tossed…

I coulda finished the rest from memory, yea, I am that messed up… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Welcome to the family.
I will add your name to the list of residents.

Wonder around a bit until you find a spot you can call home.
We have all you can eat fish, and a free dab and rosin bar.

We just started the vegetable garden and could use some help, when you have a spare min. of course.

I have heard tell, Mary Ann and Ginger both now have the Clap so stay away from those 2, despite how tempting a threesome sounds. :innocent:

If you need anything just hollar, someone will try to help.




Thanks shag…:joy::pray: