Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

I get all my medical information from Cypress Hill…:grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:


It might make it worse?
I have issues with glare at night too, especially in the rain.
I suspect the drops just dilate your pupils.

If that is all you have got I would take it. :face_with_thermometer:
I mean we do have this guy.


Whatever on the messed up call at the end. You pull a fake punt for a 30+ yd gain then 4th and goal 4 yds out chip shot lions win. Go for tie lions have chance to win. Lions shut down Dallas run game and what about the TE showing up like a boss! Idk 2 running backs with almost 1,000 yd seasons and a qb on the roster that can scramble lots to work with for sure. They seem more poised to run a 2 Qb mix with split/dual running backs with the way the oline has been playing think it could be exciting. Remember when raiders had Marcus allen and bo Jackson or Roger craig for a couple of seasons. Split tail backs with a decent TE should really open up for a scrambling QB.

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I’ll admit when I saw the offense stay on the field after the TD I was calling for them to kick the point after and go to OT. And even when they had a third chance at the 2pt I wanted them to kick and go to OT then. But even then I knew if Dallas won the coin toss it would have been all over. I fully expected they’d get some miraculous calls to help them reach the red zone within the first 2 minutes of OT and score by 3:30.

But facts are facts. Both trick plays worked for the Lions in the game. Decker reported, Skipper did not. But of course it’s the Lions fault because Brad Allen is so simple minded he can’t determine who’s speaking to him if he happens to look at someone else. Guaranteed within 2 years there’s a new rule to change how players report eligible, as happens every time the Lions get majorly fucked by the refs.


Motorbreath chuggin’ along…


What does it grow like, does anything stand out? Looks like an amazing plant. Really like to know more about this type. Thinking I might have to plant some of these things and some heads up is always good! Very Cool!


So far it’s been easy…just popped some beans, then transplanted into Happy Frog and giving them a bit of Gaia Green.


Thanks for the pics brother.
I just stole them for this thread.


Did you see the NFL put out a training video with skipper in it?
He was pissed and spoke out.

He states he was signaling in a play not signaling the ref he was eligible like the training video states.
Pretty bold, as this would indicate the NFL is lying about his actions.

The focus is on allen but I think the chick threw the first flag.
She seems to be the only one that took issue with the play.
Why did she wait sooo long.
A lip reader stated she said “That was my bad” and bumped her chest.
This happened at the big pow wow on the field.

The whole situation is very very strange.

All I heard for days was Dallas has to play every playoff game on the road.
Now they get a home game???
Or maybe even 2???
I am not sure about the second, but I thought someone said that.
That will equal some cash for Jerry’s world… :money_mouth_face:


Goooooo football team! I’m not a big sports fan, I just wanted to see what y’all were doing. :laughing:

Have a good night everyone! Gonna listen to the waves :ocean::ocean:


A bit of juicy gossip here. :speak_no_evil:
Ran across this…
Maybe she has video from the past, maybe he is alive???

I can not confirm this is not some deep fake video so take that for what it is worth.
As always your discernment is required.

Yeah I saw that. It’s even from Skipper reporting eligible earlier in the same game. And the best part is that Decker did it exactly as indicated in the video.

The fact that the NFL firmly placed blame on the Lions for the official’s inability to correctly identify players only gives Dallas fans ammunition to continue being the douchey people they are.


That’s a fine looking specimen @CanuckistanPete !


Thanks, I did not catch that part. :exploding_head:
I am starting to understand why I hate dallas so much.
I used to hate emmett smith cause he had a O line.
It is kinda nice we havea good O line and the the Dallas Cowboys do not.
Well not a great one like in the past.

But I like Dak and I like the way their defence plays.
I always hated jerry and I really never understood why.
Now that I am older I think I tolerate the BS less.
I think I understand why now…LOL

I should not use the word hate, I do not really hate the Dallas Cowboys.
But something about the Dallas Cowboys keeps me from liking them.
They just leave a bad taste in my mouth.

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I can honestly say I hate the Dallas cowgirls, and their fan base.


I always hated Dallas cause they were my step dad’s favorite team :rofl::rofl:

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I saw this on other news networks, they even have Stephen Hawking on the Lolita express he liked to watch I guess😂

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Ok don’t beat me up too bad but, I’m a Browns fan and have been my whole life, I’m from a suburb of Cleveland, I was a season ticket holder. I’m not gonna say they’re going to the Superbowl but we are in the playoffs. I’ll always be a diehard fan no matter how many times they let me down. It’s funny, I watched a game the other day from 1988 that I was at. Sheesh I’m getting old.:laughing:


My business partner and I flew to Dallas for the Wildcard game in 2014. The stadium was crazy packed, and the 80 yard big screen TV is really a site to be seen, it’s unbelievably huge
It was a damn fun trip. The Dallas fans were great, welcomed us with open arms, no hassles, no shit talking, no problems.
Most Dallas fans were actually pissed that we lost that game due to poor officiating. When they ran the replay of the last touchdown that Stanford threw to win the game, the stadium booed big time. The folks around us were very apologetic about the blatantly horrible call, and the Line Judge not throwing the flag when a Dallas player removed his helmet and threw it to the ground.
We’ve been to many stadiums to watch the Lions on the road, and I will say, Dallas fans have been the best to us.
Out of all the road games we’ve been too, I would have to say that Chicago fans are the worst, unfriendly, shit talking idiots trying to start fights.


Yes the people in Texas still call you sir or mam and I just can’t get over how much I respect these kids for having that much pride in their towns. Texas is definitely a fun state and has the best smoking wood, I like their pecan and oak, I have mesquite where I am at and blend it with some apple. I like the dry rub they use to get that perfect BBQ flavor and bite… They are known to have some good hunting for piggy too but I missed that boat but o’well.