Should trust level requirements be enhanced?

I use palaver and rigmarole interchangeably, unless something is really munted, or mind numbingly procedural and then it’s a palaver of a rigmarole


Edit - sorry I threw in my thoughts where they were not really needed - post withdrawn


It’s a perfectly cromulent word.


40 years ago I popped my first beans. Sent cash wrapped in carbon paper over the big pond. Later, living in Outlaw Land, I was too scared to join the first iteration of OG. Trust goes both ways. It’s the actual transactional currency all these years of Prohibition. And, I think, for those shaped by those years, becomes an intuitional awareness.
This is the first forum I’ve ever participated in. I do so because the trust I see displayed between members, as evidenced in their interactions, gives me confidence in their bona fides.
I read OG every day. It has replaced my newsfeed as coffee drinking companion. As my appreciation of individual members grows —“getting to know them” via their graciousness, insight, humor or humility— trust organically and correspondingly accompanies. Perhaps, a little, theirs in me also.
@Ottafish put up a thread requiring trust level 2 for participation. That’s what got me to this thread; didn’t even know what mine was.
Thank you, all you who make OG a place so pleasing to be. Thanks for being the nuts-and-bolts folks who discuss and evolve the mechanisms. Diggin’ the OG vibe!


I know “Regular” status can be manually granted ejem|nullxnull, (won’t say names frech|nullxnull), Upstate and some others deserve that kind of recognition. I think what keeps them back from acquiring it’s the requirement to read a percentage of posts and threads from different categories, many people just stick with their own threads and that doesn’t make happy the algorithm that upgrades you …

I guess that is a requirement to please our sponsors with a number of clicks and readings (more clicks, more money earned) so I doubt it will be changed.

I humbly implore Team OG to manually upgrade TL3 status for those who really deserve it as gratitude and appreciation for their contributions … beer3|nullxnull


I love this place and the people who make it great. I spent months reading before I signed up for the forums Aug 24, '21. I spent months more reading before I started a seed co-op run right before the changes to how they are approved. I did this before I started signing up for member offers/games and other co-op seeds. I still havent sent any private messages asking for seeds or started any posts asking for seeds.

The Spirit Train seed run was my first indoor grow.


The way forward for me is not giving via sign up. I’ll just give extra to the people I know & ask them to share.

I don’t think beginners need top notch seeds just decent ones.

:evergreen_tree:MY lawn minemine mine


Being granted TL3 is one thing, keeping it is another. I have been TL3 many times but usually slip to TL2 due to the many requirements to maintain the TL3 status. I no longer care if I maintain that status or not as it doesn’t reflect on who I am as a person or how I act or what.I do on site.


Yeap, your reputation speaks for you, now you have the Regular emeritus status that allows you to sign in with the TL3 user’s, the problem comes when you never reach it and that makes some people unsatisfied, that was my concern … beer3|nullxnull


[quote=“Rhai88, post:56, topic:116468”]
This has been in use more frequently in my vocabulary since you enlightened me with this one.
Higgledypiggledy is a great underutilized word. Kind of means sloppy, In disarray.
The items were placed in a box in a higgledypiggledy manner.:grin:


Those are the true silent heroes.


For me, it comes down to having some more likes to give out and to be able To make my own sign ups when I do a seed Give away for the coop.


Have you tried to make a wiki recently @Upstate ? I noticed some time back that TL2 Members were able to wiki a post. Not sure if it was just a glitch or a system change but it was in the end of March I saw it.


I don’t give a fuck, I’ll send seeds to new members, this forum is called OVERGROW. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I wanna stimulate more people to grow, that’s what it’s all about.


I’m sure tl2 can make them as they can edit, maybe 🤷

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Are you sure? Only a TL2 could really answer. You are not supposed to be able to create a wiki until you reach TL3, but I did see a TL2 do it. I asked a mod but they didn’t respond to me, so I have no way to confirm.


Perhaps a carryover user feature from a TL2 with Regular Emeritus status? I noticed that I’ve gone from TL3 to TL2 and just went to a recent comment of mine to see if I was able to make a wiki and while I didn’t create one, it did show the little wrench icon with option to make the comment a wiki. Hope that helps. Much love


@DougDawson I just made that recent comment of mine a wiki, and it seems to have worked. Right above. Much love


Like this? I’ve only ever reached TL2.


I think your reply is more illuminating, I’m going to remove the wiki I opened in my comment. Thanks for sharing your findings in such a visually digestible way. That’s really cool! Much love