Just realized I’ll be harvesting (fingers crossed) just before I have to go watch my daughter’s lab while she ventures off to Coachella for a music festival. This means I have to set my stuff up to dry and then leave – and my partner, though she is my partner, is also a bit of a “gotta get my hands in there and get dirty.”
I would prefer she not do this to my stash, so I’m trying to devise a way to slow the dry down while I am gone for 10 days. (I think it should actually make for quite a GOOD dry, but I want to check with you pros.) Here’s the plan.
I usually wet trim only fan leaves – sugar leaves stay. Each individual branch will be cut and hung upside down a few inches apart on a drying rack, with LOTS of air circulation and darkness. I plan to set temp at 63-65ish, and humidity at 60% for 5 days and then 50% for 5 days.
The idea is to slow the roll and be able to depart town telling her, “Don’t even touch a thing. They’ll be fine.” This crop is shaping up to be a good one.
P.S. Don’t mean to paint her as a meddlesome bozo. She’s a great person who’s got a great green thumb and very DIY – a little TOO good, if you know what I mean. She does tend to overengineer things, but that’s a different story.