Smoking the green when it is green

My process starts when the plant is chopped. I dry my stuff pretty good after washing it in a bathtub with a fan for 3 daysish on low and temps between 65-70F and humidity round 45%. On day 6-7 I trim if the moisture is 55% or under. In pic the jar has a top with a temp and humidity so I know how much water is still in the bud. I put it in cardboard till about day 10 45% in the jars the buds go.

I pop the tops on day 3, 8, 12,25 and then the next pop it is getting smoked. Usually after day 35 the humidity is round 35-40% and all is good. Usually popping day 50-70 because i have so much inventory I dont have to rush anything.

I have a nice write up on my process with test and data showing this in much greater detail from last year. I get each plants tested when they go in jars and the test shows me how much water is in my buds and there is never any worth to measure.


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