Smoking the green when it is green

What are your thoughts on smoking uncured bud? I recently chopped a gorilla berries down, and I put a bit of larf in the dehydrator to dry quickly. I smoked that larf last night with no cure.

Did it taste green, yes. Was there some untrimmed sugar leaf? Yes.

But, I got an idea of how it may taste, and I got an idea of the potency (very good currently). I did get a mild headache, similar to the days of smoking seeds in the 90s, but it was not bad and dissipated quickly. I think that was the untrimmed sugar leaves and extra chlorophyll.

So, what are you thoughts, do you smoke a little early as a preview or do you wait for the cure?


I hate to say
Mmmmmm tasty
But have to wait for the full cure to truly enjoy my own


I may take a branch a bit early, like if I break it while tending. Iā€™ll leave it set on a tray and dry to sample.


thats basically what I did here, I was trimming fan leaves and chopped a small branch by mistake, so I did a quick dry and sample


Ive done it every way you can, none are a good rep of what it will really be like, i dont do it anymore. I now just pluck a bud a few weeks before planned harvest, throw it on a shelf in grow roomā€¦when im jonesing to try itā€¦i wil remember it, and its dry n curedā€¦lol


If youā€™re dry and desperate, sure.

But not otherwise.

Itā€™s never good.


Iā€™ve done things in my youth that have left me with a much worse taste in my mouth and a much bigger headache. Personally I enjoy sampling the buds along the dry cure journey. The different flavonoids you experience along the way is pretty cool. Rarely is it ā€œbetterā€ than fully cured but I enjoy everything about this ride.


I rarely every get a taste before cure, truly because of the headache factor. As Paul Masson said it best ā€˜I Will Have No Wine Before Itā€™s Timeā€™ I really cure for minimal 90 days or more and I think at that point in time it is always a greater venture for me. To each his own. :sunglasses::peace_symbol:


I once believed curing can help cannabis become better, in taste, quality of buzz, and what not.
Iā€™m leaning now, towards some of that thinking as nonsense.
I have NO idea why, but in the last couple of years, as I sample my drying bud, (I hang in the open to dry) these are all coming in exceptionally tasty, after drying just enough to smoke. Zero glass napping at all!

A week before hand, as I determine, when to chop them, as I hold my loupe, and examine a bud, the scents emitting from the bud, is so strong, I felt a bit sick to me stomach, as my nose is right in the action!
So for me, I do NOT see how a cure will, or CAN improve that!
Iā€™m calling bullshit on it getting better than that, by giving it time in glass! Itā€™s just nonsense.

I recently, tested some beans, as Iā€™m scoping them, Iā€™m holding my breath, as I scope. I then step backwards, resume breathing, as the DELICIOUS stench of those plants was overwhelming.
How does that get better?
It does not, maybe the goodies mingle more, I guess, but better?
IDK anymore if this even worth my while honestly.
I once would berate myself for tapping into a glass jar before the basic mythical 2 month cure.
Now I just laugh like hell at that idea. Enjoying my delicious buds right off the stalk, and NO ONE can tell a difference, NO ONE!
In my 53 years of going steady with cannabis, Iā€™m probably done with the silly curing notion myself.
If your weed is tasteless at culling, with todayā€™s well bred strains, your doing something wrong. IMHO.
No disrespect meant to anyone, but that need is over for me.


I take your point but Iā€™m inclined to disagree.

Itā€™s perhaps not so much better as it is different. I find I prefer it with a little age. The flavors are not as bright, maybe, but they are more complex.

An extreme example, and not totally on point, is aged black hash. After a year of curing itā€™s amazing. Itā€™s not even the same thing.

Itā€™s hard to express but itā€™s like the difference between a nice cigarette and a fine cigar. Rich, heavy, dense, complicated.

Fresh tasty bright delicious hash is great too, but itā€™s not the same.

All the best.

For what itā€™s worth I age my buds in glass.


i shall continue to age my buds . i can tell a huge difference in many cultivars


Oh I agree it is different, betterā€¦Iā€™m not so sure of. But that is why we all have different tasteā€™s and what not. I have so much built up in reserve, it will be cured regardless, as, I can only pack so much in the freezer.
Iā€™ll never worry about a cure again.


same here. my stuff is usually tasty at jarring. after just a week or two drying. the high doesnā€™t get stronger from aging. i do like it aged a bit though. it takes off some of the edge. maybe itā€™s the cbn. sometime if there is an off or vegetal note, it will go with age. they way it smokes sometimes changes, but perhaps itā€™s just drying more.


I rarely make it to any kind of long purposeful cure, just dry at 60ish 60ish, jar or bag and smoke. Some stuff gets smoother with age but Iā€™ve never encountered that grassy taste in my homegrown even right when itā€™s just dry enough to smoke. If your stuffs tasting grassy youā€™re probably using to much nitrogen in flower


off the plant, I will put the sample cut bud, after examination, in a brown paper bag for 4 or more days to dry out, then sample. most times, I can tell from this sample, if the natural cure will be decent or not. it will be a little different in taste, not drying in a bag or whatever. at this point I start to ponder if I have been wasting the better part of the last 4 months on a futile effort? oh well, time to fill the bowl, again!



Just my two centsā€¦ from someone who has smoked for 35 years and grown for 1/2 of thatā€¦ I got 120day cured Black Berry Kush that would prove the non curers wrong. There is a big difference between dried for 14 days and 120 days. Have patienceā€¦ Most folks think that harvest is the end of the process. You are only 75% of the way there.


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what is your process during this cure?


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My process starts when the plant is chopped. I dry my stuff pretty good after washing it in a bathtub with a fan for 3 daysish on low and temps between 65-70F and humidity round 45%. On day 6-7 I trim if the moisture is 55% or under. In pic the jar has a top with a temp and humidity so I know how much water is still in the bud. I put it in cardboard till about day 10 45% in the jars the buds go.

I pop the tops on day 3, 8, 12,25 and then the next pop it is getting smoked. Usually after day 35 the humidity is round 35-40% and all is good. Usually popping day 50-70 because i have so much inventory I dont have to rush anything.

I have a nice write up on my process with test and data showing this in much greater detail from last year. I get each plants tested when they go in jars and the test shows me how much water is in my buds and there is never any worth to measure.


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Here is the BBK data.

how about you start taking care of my plants. I just cut and hang for 10-14 days until dry. snap test, cut from branches, jar and burp every day for a week, when I remember(?) hopefully. then I put a bodeva or however it is spelled, into the jar, place into a cabinet. I then try to remember to burp for 10 minutes once a month, then back into cabinet. donā€™t know if any of this is accurate or not, but have only had one skunkie jar in 7 years. just not sure if there is a better way to store for long term. the longest jar I have had is about a year, it was a little dry, but place a plant leaf or two in a jar and poof practically, good as new.

donā€™t know if this year old jar was a fluke, or that the way I am doing things are fine?


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