Smoking the green when it is green

I have year old weed… Burned like a funeral fire and sweet sweet mellow taste. Your way and my way are about the same. I probably have less water than you because I do dry the shit out of my plants quicker but your example is a safe bet to make sure you there is not mold issues. If I get a test back that says there is a lot of water I would be doing your method of everyday for a week for sure. So far that has not been the case.


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But…you remembered his name…

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I prefer cured but there are several strains that taste great fresh dried slowly. I do a 14 day hang at 60 f and 60 % humidity before I start the cure.


Ah ha, my first few grows were chlorophyll tasting after drying using chemical nutrients. Having bone dry humidity I didn’t have the luxury of slow drying. Once hung crispy in the 3 days. I was one of the FIRST growers to use Fox Farm in hydro(mega garden)when it came out, later I learned flushing in conjunction with using organic nutrients eliminates that “green” taste. I was able to circumvent my environmental conditions to avoid it. Any sample I take before harvest NEVER has “green” in it. Granted terps taste better after a slower sweat dry over time, but when the drying is faster due to drier conditions that saps moisture I don’t have to worry it’s going to taste like green grass. This is why I REFUSE to have green fans at harvest. All should be yellow or dropped off, then I know the buds are completely clean of excess stored nitrogen that burns white ash. Try flushing and see how it improves for you later.

Hey you two… how about facebook for your childish squabble instead of my thread… thanks.


Sorry for disturbing your vibrant, active thread with our argument… six days ago. :roll_eyes: It definitely wasn’t like the discussion was already dead. Smoke your uncured bud early if you like, or don’t, dude. There’s a reason most of the world recommends curing.

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i use salt nutes and keep my fans dark green most of the time. not even a real flush. i don’t have any issue drying/curing/getting dank smells. i never have a ‘green’ taste either. chop to jar is just 8 to 10 days most of the time, i wet trim too and dry at 68f. i don’t think it’s the salts my man or the fan leaves or any of the other stuff people cling to because i am doing it all wrong according to bro science. i did notice that when i controlled the lung room with my drying tent perfectly i got dank outcomes which is inline with the most commonly available science (it’s just Bugbee) which is fairly limited information imo. There isn’t a lot of science out there…the other science stuff I saw on youtube is probably over my head if it’s even valid.

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There you said it! I dry 68f, but listen not everyone can maintain that kind of drying temp, especially upper floors of condos. Case in point, my old condo where I first started had the worst humidity at 10%, and because I was on a 15th floor all the heat would RISE up. A humidifier was futile and the air would quickly absorb it all before any rise and an empty water tank. When humidity can’t be controlled, buds dry within 3 days, and IF there’s excess nitrogen it will be locked in once completely dry, there’s no way to cure it out once that happens. I’ve had this multiple time from dispensaries and shows me what a rookie that individual is. The old age debate over chemical vs organic nutrients or flushing vs not flushing at harvest is debate hasn’t been settled yet nor will it be. Organics from my personal experience gives the truest flavors and I KNOW when it’s chemical or organic when I’ve bought before growing again :face_with_monocle:


It depends on the season for me but this rings true. The way I’ve worked around it is to dry in a sealed room with no ventilation and just a small fan for a little air movement. The buds keep the humidity up on their own for a few days and then my inkbird and humidifier do the rest :+1:


the scientific speculation i have heard is beneficial microstress can be caused by organics that isn’t present with a salt only regime. this, however, is not really related to curing imo. it’s just smells and variance that is not necessarily a constant thing across organic or salt grows in a relative way. one guy’s salt grow might taste better than another’s organic grow. the science folks suggest a mix of the two would give the best results as organics has some limitations. i have a buddy that follows a few guys online. he grows organic. does the teas, acids, mycorrhiza, etc and his weed freaking sucks…like really bad. I can’t smoke it. compared to my all salt grows, even the messed up one where i got bamboozled by low temps…comparatively, mine is like the dispo topshelf at the best place in Denver. his is more like sadness, hopefully not in my bag. funny thing is his plants usually look so heathy. the pics are great. also, he dries/cures like an idiot. he recently did it with salts just like i do and then he proceeded to mess it up with experimental curing procedures. at least i got highish, unlike the non salt stuff.


Ah ha, but here’s the thing about that, some of these old condos/homes don’t have sealed closets, sliding doors and swing open bathrooms of the 70s too. The condo was the worst to dry in, but definitely the season is a factor. Much drier in the winter, but spring/summer is around 40-50% where I’m at. Also how sticky the bud is, this CripXmas dries incredibly slow and needing scissors to break it up :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Mine is a newer build but it’s still shitty in the ways you mention. If the room had a wall touching the outside it wouldn’t work so well.

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loquacious pot heads make for entertaining reading, great thread. I’ll smoke two week old bud if it is ll I have. I like to let it set a minute because I can smoke more without distress. IME some plants quick cure much much better than others. Citrus forward airy buds are a favorite early daytime smoke of mine that can have more tart flavors wehn green.