So I been thinking of combining grow methods...maybe, I think...idk🤷🏿‍♂️

So I’m thinking of combining DWC with Orbeez…I guess u can call it Orbeeponics but yeah, I’ve been seriously contemplating on trying this out…I might need a bigger air stone or a stronger air pump. Has anyone else thought of this?


Can I ask what is your reasoning for this? If you’re doing hydro the plants roots will always be in water and never dry out…when I do hydro(dwc) i keep it simple and use nothing but net cups…


No reasoning…and that’s cool-that u like to keep it simple, as for me? I just want to experiment and side note, this is just as simple as the way u do your dwc. I just like to explore different ideas I come up with to do things.


My only thought is that orbees would mean less area for root growth, still worth a try anyway!

I now know why your excellent cook lol :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:

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my thought one you would be introducing whatever chemical they are made of though my not be harmful to ppl may be to plant and second you would never be able to flush nutes unless you replaced them and 3rd ^ stated above lose root space and they are slimy

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I don’t think the orbeez would be an obstacle for the roots…actually this idea came from my teen hood, my aunt would grow her evergreens in water beads aka orbeez, they retain a hell of a lot of water there squishy & their round shape makes it possible for the roots to get oxygen. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work.

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They’re made of acrylic acid & sodium hydroxide all that’s added is water for the sodium hydroxide to absorb. It’s the same stuff that’s put inside of pampers to suck up the baby pee.

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Sounds interesting. I say go for it!


I’ve grown in water, Pro Mix/Sunshine Mix #4, lava rock, coco husks, soil, perlite, but not with whatever these things are, hell go for it!!


I’ve seen water beads used so I would imagine it’s fairly similar. They could take up some root space, but they might also give more pockets of oxygen especially if bubbled with an air pump. I’m interested to see how it turns out. Why do I keep thinking of a perc in a bong lol
Kinda like the orbeez would create more turbulence with the rising bubbles making more air pockets? And because they’re soft n squishy, the roots should be able to grow right around them. I’m stoned but it sounds like a fun thing to try!


Pre declaration of forewarning & stake claiming:

I’m going to initiate a contest pretty soon:

Creative grow media nonsense fun

Prize to be determined before contest starts.

Rules: can’t use any of the following as grow medium:
Soils, soilless commercial mixes(ie promix), peat, coco, rockwool, gravel, LECA(ie hydroton), mapito, perlite, vermiculite, compost, water, air. (Possibly more)

Examples of (but not restricted to)allowable:
Animal bones
Weed shake/stems
Styrofoam “peanuts”
Raw manure
Straw bale
That florist green foam shit
Lug nuts
Gaming dice
Whatever’s at the back of the fridge
Your wife’s hairdo

Judging will be by poll, by participating OG members, top award for healthiest looking plant over the whole grow

Time allowed will be 1-2 years, so that outdoor growers in both hemispheres can play too.

Container/in ground - no restrictions
Nutrients & watering - no restrictions


:evergreen_tree: vroom vroom