Soil slurry vs runoff

I use the strips for runoff

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I have the drops as backup

I use tap water that sits out for 3 days to dechlorinate. I pretty sure they donā€™t treat with chloramines around here.

I have the roots calmag powder and salt based calmag. But my issue is a little more aggressive than your typical calmag deficiency I think.

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Itā€™s 2024 all municipalities use chloramine to treat their water itā€™s a law. If you go down to your water treatment plant you can pull a Water analysis report instantly.

But I can bet my eye teeth all municipalities are using chloramines chlorine hydrochloride the stuff that can gas out after sitting for 3 days they stop most places stop doing that back in 2010

But with that being said if your water is low PPM all you need is a dechlorinator itā€™s like 60 bucks itā€™s just your sediment pre-filter and a kdf 85 you donā€™t even need arrow if your Waters would get them at least not full of shit like our water is like I get about 450 ppm at 500 scale (630 ppm @ 700) so Iā€™ve been using RO water since 2001

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Even though youā€™re growing soup style organics, using bottles and stuff that Roots line is extremely good itā€™s a lovely line to use and once itā€™s dialed in you can have results similar to super soil if not right on par or maybe better depending on how you maestro it. But with a massive deficiency like you got going on towards the end there that I almost want to say is the absence of microlife being killed off not being able to convert organics to readily available nutrients possibly due to a chlorine contamination itā€™s I know when shit gets like this.

Seems like thereā€™s no fucking end to it.

For instance I just clocked around $7,000 on renovating a room framing it in I fucked up and basically created Auschwitz for plants.

The tile that I used is full of butyl phthalates. A lot of the caulking I use also is full of butyl phthalates.

Thereā€™s no saving that room I have to build out another room in the downstairs bedroom Iā€™m in the middle of doing that right now actually Iā€™m on the way to the hardware store to get some paint

itā€™s a straight kick in the dick but your problem is going to be easily solved for under $200 mine on the other hand this unforeseen phantom I found him itā€™s off gassing. And Iā€™m into another couple Grand just a fucking finished his room out meantime I got my plants sitting outside 46 plants with plant count of 12 and shitting bricks daily

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Damn get them plants under cover

hey this info is great thanks. ive had awesome results with blue lab pens but i do believe you about the meters. appreciate sharing your info

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damn so these plastic grow bags are really not good to grow in huh
i already dont like em its just so easy to get 25 7 gallon pots for a $1 each, i cant even get good pots here

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