Solo -> 1gal -> 5gal?... Or solo -> 5gal?

I’ve been going Solo cup to 5gal.

Today is transplant day

In your experience…

Is there enough of a benefit from going Solo, to 1gallon, to 5gal… to justify the 30minute drive to grow shop to buy some 1gal bags?

Thanks! :+1: :peace_symbol: :+1:


I grow from seed to harvest in final bag. I don’t see any issue in solo → 5 gal.


If you stagger pot size i’ve noticed a happier transition for the plant. I do this when doing LONG VEG over winter with the end goal is a 30 gal fabric pot outdoors.

This means that when I transplant outdoors in the spring there is already a fuck load of root action below ground, so the below soil growing time is shortened by a lot allowing for a solid rootmass to establish itself earlier in the season than if i started small.

Makes for good sized “trees” when your growing season is June 01-Oct 14 (maybe).

Inside I’ve gone from solo to 5 gal as well when the timing didn’t matter.


I normally go solo → 1 gal → 3 gal, 5 gallon is too much for indoor at least if you want to have more room for variety… beer3|nullxnull


I also prefer to stagger them up, alway have.


I like to go up in stages. I saw this posted on another site and it explains why quite well.


I Always transplant autos from 300ml cups ti 1 1 liter to 2 gal/1gal containers,often they Say no-no but I find they do Better,even when I was doing soil.If you are gentle and practice a bit you won’t stunt any autoflower
If you have photos then It Is very difficult you Will have problem since you can stay in veg how many weeks you want it


If you look at the plant nursery industry i think best practices are to up pot throughout the plants life cycle. Both in effort to fill the pot with roots and avoid any root bound issues. More roots =bigger fruits.


Alright! I’ve been talked into it, I will drive the half hour & get me some 1gal bags!

Do they sell bags with velcro that you can unwrap? I know it’s gonna be hard to get the plant out of a 1gal fabric bag v.s. cutting it out of a Solo right?


I know you can get 1 gal plastic bags from Amazon. They’re easy to remove

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They do sell them with velcro. I would suggest plastic pots personally. Will make it easier to transplant and smaller pots won’t dry out as fast. Then go to fabric pot at last transplant. Just a thought.


In fabric bags roots are air pruned, so you will never find roots tangled around like in plastic pots. It is very easy to transplant them, you can separe them from fabric with a big knife without damaging the roots or just pushing around …

I recently discovered 2 gallon fabric are very useful as second step in case you exceed your veg time and don’t want them to stretch too much or with sativas, you can keep plants on them till the end and still have a decent harvest … beer3|nullxnull


Thx @George I don’t have a lot of experience with fabric pots. keep meaning to give them a try


Hope you do so, roots have more oxygen available, no root bound, easy to clean and handle them and lots of different sizes available, Plastic pots tend to broke at the end and are not environmental friendly no|nullxnull.

Give them a chance and you won’t repent yourself … beer3|nullxnull

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chop the root ball down before transplanting into bigger container the plant grows even bigger in veg. Chop Chop cut saw cannabis does not care from all I have seen.

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This is a great idea, when I get some land I’m going to do that :+1:

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