Someone please help me, im grasping at straws

I run the all blue 6500k for the t5s works great I’m going to switch to led completly though check by check lol


This studying clearly indicates that the led lighting is mostly absorbed and used for photosynthesis, and not much “non useful radiant heat producing” light. Which doesn’t create ideal leaf surface temperature for proper metabolism.

Its also telling me that increasing ambient temps around 85 degrees will solve the issues as it will also have lst around that with maybe 1-2 degrees higher than ambient temps. Seems my problem was i was applying my 2 decade’s of hid “rules” to led.

Also seems to tell me, adding about 4 2 foot 6500k t5 ho’s to each veg tent should solve the problem as well if I can’t maintain 85+ degrees ambient temps.

Did i digest that info correctly? @Terpsnpurps ?

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Are these the LEDs you are using?

That’s what it took to get DLI into the green on the PPFD app.

But mainly I was basing it off how the plants responded. They just grew healthier once I turned the lights down. I still run into what look like Mg deficiency issues though. I’ve tried all sorts of different stuff to keep it from happening. But it’s like as soon as they get even slightly rootbound or unhappy they start showing deficiencies. I used to leave my bonsai mom’s rootbound in little 1/2gal pots for a year+ without issue under flouros :man_shrugging:

Anyway… I think you’re going to be very happy with the t5’s. Still by far my favorite type of light to veg under. I’ll bet money all your current issues disappear.

I also used the 6500k bulbs for veg as heritage farms mentioned.

They are and im running to Lowe’s to buy the single clearance one they have in stock, it was gone when I got there :unamused:

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Thats my take on it… try it bro i think youll be satisfied

Thanks! I might give one a try. Why not? lol

I’ve tried 6-7 different LED lights for my veg room(s) now and I still haven’t found one I’m happy with.

My favorite that I’ve tried for veg is the NextLight 150w. It gives me the least amount of issues with deficiencies. Next would be the mars hydro 100 watt ts600’s. I have an expensive AC infinity with the new evo diodes and it’s probably my least favorite to veg under. I am constantly battling Mg deficiency or some other deficiency.

I know part of my issue is my overall grow space. I used to have a rally nice spot that had a fully controlled environment but i lost that place.

I really just want to use my t5’s again but I was shocked at how much they raised my electric bill ($100+), and it’s already too damn high as is ($350+).

But I know that’s not a long term solution anyway since fluorescents are being discontinued everywhere.

I even prefer t8 or the ancient t12 fluoro’s to the LED’s I’ve tried so far. lol

i used to veg under t8’s for years and they were great. Much cheaper to run too. They weren’t good once the plants got bigger though. I’d start seedlings or clones under them, veg until they were about 1ft tall, then I’d up-pot and transition them to one of my metal halide lights before moving to flower. Or if i was growing hydro, they’d go straight from the t8’s into flower. It worked great and I always had super healthy plants with no deficiencies.

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I used to run my mother’s cabs in my actually residence off sight from main grow with t5s, i never had issues.

But id like to mention, i dropped lights to 13", getting around 600 ppfd, upped Ambient to 87 degrees, got leaf temps at around 84, and the problems are correcting themselves before my very eyes.

Truly the exact opposite of what I was used to.

We used to want to get rid of heat, not create it. Lol


Thats awesome!

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Also guy’s I hate to mention this before I stock up Just because, but i don’t have anymore stupid walking around money, htg is selling aur cooled hoods for $6 fur basic slide out glass model, 23$ fur hinged glass models.

Cmh 315 ballasts for 10$ and 20$

Sunlight supply 630 dual 315 Smart ballast for 100

Digital 400, 600 and 1k fur 10, 15 and 25 respectively.

Go get em.

Cases if t5 8 packs 4 foot for 33$ 25 packs for 63$

If your local to the pa location you can show up to warehouse and they’ll let you Walk thru 1 3rd of it grabbing shit dirt cheap

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So this is after 1 full day with ambient temps at 85+ degrees and rh at 50-55%

Nothing else’s changed, even got an ro watering yesterday, with no double buckets dynamic, straight from filter, 1ml a gallon of Gh general organics CaMg+ veganic calmag supp.

I used to use the 1ml a gallon to stabilize the RO. Figured give it a shot.

Also not sure if this mattered, but it had to, i noticed a funky fishy smell in the ro water when it first runs pretty strong. As it gets running it gets less.

So I tracked it down to the di filters on exit pass (stage 5) stage 6 is uv pass.

So I pulled all pre-filters, even though they’re only 3 months old and replaced with fresh one’s, got rid of di stage as i never used that in the past.

Fish smell went away, but it tells me possibly my source water isn’t biologically safe somehow or bacteria was growing somewhere in the unit


Transplant day!


Everything seems to be going great now.

Here’s a shot of my room with all the tents setup


Glad to hear you’re seeing your plants recovering. I learned a lot in your thread! I’m sure many other’s did too. It’s fascinating to think that hobbyists such as those here in this community, yourself included, are on the forefront of learning how various lighting spectrums affect plant biology.

From your recent comments it seems that your plants metabolism was slowed rather than increased as I first thought.

Being able to run rooms at a higher ambient temperature could be very helpful to many in warm climates who are trying to battle the heat when instead they may be able to go with the flow. It’s nice to see your updates. Your room with the tents looks great. You’ve put a lot of work into your garden and it shows. Wishing you well in your gardening endeavors! Many blessings and much love


Clean. Organized. Calm.

I have the same problem in my quarantine room. It’s 92 degrees.

How much should I raise temp.

Well dom i was running at 75 ambient, 76 leaf temp.

I bumped ambient up to 85 max, i noticed improvement at 80-83, I’m just liking the nice even, well kinda Even number at 85.

At 92 you should have metabolism ramped fine to do Thier thing.

Could be 92 is too high and your experiencing the opposite, but symptoms manifesting the same.

You could be too high, where you’re needing more food.

But I’m just now getting dialed in, and im green in this “ambient temps in regards to plant metabolism under LED” so i very well could be blind leading the blind.

But its logical you’re too far hot.

Bring it back to 83-85, see what happens


@Terpsnpurps & @BackyardBoogie420 are the 2 that steered me in The right direction.

Here’s some More room anatomy


I love the organization of your room looks almost pro man

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