Someone please help me, im grasping at straws

So glad you got things figured out!
I end up running my LEDs right near my plants just to get the DLI high enough, and thanks to this I’ve leaned the warmth from that is a positive factor also, so thank you :slight_smile:

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Thank you.

I wish id had figured this out sooner, as i assumed my first room built in June July was fucked from vinyl tile offgassing.

Looking back it was likely This issue. Lol i emergency switched rooms, but had to build out the second space in a week after I moved My 50 outside.(12 plant count here, so my ass was paranoid, running around outside all hours of the Day playing musical chairs, building visual barriers with wheelbarrows, 5 gallon bucket and old mountain bikes.

This was it, i went all out here as well.

But in the move, i gained enough extra space to add the third tent. But the Attic was naturally hot, so it would be Nice to have its temps down here on ground level bedroom

Especially since my house is poured 18" thick concrete walls to the outside. In the winter the outside 2 walls are like refrigerators.

I fear condensation.

Example, my living room closet has an outside wall, i temped them at 39 to 41 degree’s Dead winter.

My kitchen pantry cabinet, also, we can literally store cheese and beverages in them at refrigerator temps.


Here’s the 9 choose for flower.

3 ag seed nl5
3 ag seed on haze x OG Haze x NL2
2 csi lemon g x lemon party
1 paradise Sensi star


You’ve Been spot on with the signaling, metabolism and mag.

As everything is perked up with higher temperatures, but i still see classic mag Def symptoms.

Im going to foliar with either Epsom salt at tablespoon per gallon or some earth juice microblast (Trace micros and mag at 0.50%)

My mind tells me half strength mix of each, but i gotta start sticking to conventional wisdom and procedure, as the More im reading the posts you have here and links, basically i have to unlearn hid growing for the most part aside from the basics like room or tent setup and lighting cycles.

Research seems to tell me magnesium, potassium and nitrogen use/requirements are drastically different under modern led.

Although my veg light’s do have 3000k, 5000k, deep red and infrared chips, the infrared chips seem to be minimal.

I ordered up for flowering tebr6a set of Mars hydro ir55 IR supplemental bars. 35" each, 2 of them. Already have ACI UV bars in there (4 11" bars) hanging between My main lights bars

Although i did get the t5s for adding to veg tents, i need to fab some simple brackets to hang them with the led out of plumbing straps. Also they didn’t come with link cables and using 4 additional plug ins is going to be a spiderweb mess.

Im a ocd nut about wire management due to a past profession and my only other obsessive hobby, SQ Audio in car.

While not a big deal to some, drapping More cords everywhere will mentally torment me


I got a thing for clean tidy organized wiring


Did Jeremy really say RO will screw up organic soil? Nice plants be the way.

That’s awesome. What do you got there? The wiring looks clean. Nice job.

Yes, well his employee did say that with tons More hobro science.

Jeremy has been Heard parroting that in videos from what I hear as well

Second part, well… that’s a partial sponsored vehicle (3 high end amps given by B² audio out of Denmark)

First electrical - 250 amp adjustable pwm voltage controlable alternator (12-15.7v on the fly)
Was supposed to be all lithium, but shortages in supply chain forced me to go agm. 5 xs power d750 in spare tire well. D3100 under hood (350 ah total)

Head unit - pioneer 4400nex with dual zone entertainment and mirroring, a mini pc Stick behind dash hooked up hdmi, Bluetooth keyboard.
Detachable headrest monitors for kid’s browsing and such

Full edge to edge 3 layer sound deadening
1st layer Sonic barrier cld with 2nd layer ccf sandwich layer (decouple layer between 3rd) 3rd layer is 1 lb per square foot mass loaded vinyl or 32nd inch lead sheeting

Front stage - focal flax evo 3 way components
Rear fill - focal flax evo 2 Way components
Subs - image Dynamics idmax 12 d2 wired to 2 ohm final
Processing - audiotec Fischer HELIX ULTRA MK2 12 channel dsp
Dual runs of 2/0 oxygen Free copper welding cable to rear bank of batteries
Subs are on a fosgate t2500-1BdCP
Front left speakers (left 6.5, Left 3", left tweeter) are on a B² Audio reference four 4 channel. 6.5 bridged on channel 1&2. Channel 3 in high bias class A mode runs 3" mid, Chan 4 high bias class A runs tweeter
Front right, same, a separate B² ref four populated the same3as left
Rear components on a third B2 ref four bridged running the 2 Way comps for differential rear fill.

Helix director for remote dsp access with 19 presets, 2 of which where done by Nick Wingate of focal America, 2 more done by Jeff Smith of Phoenix Gold stinger Audio, 2 more done by Steve cook of audio x. Each preset tuning cost me 400-600 depending on who did it. The remaining i did

Modest flush out trunk trim (functional, nothin over the top fancy) active noctua fan cooled.

Its my baby (kid’s destroyed my interior with Doritos and French fries :cry:)


That’s an amazing job. I’ve always installed my own stereos but not where near that level. That’s impressive. I did install my alarm system too but that was not as fun at all. I wouldn’t want to do the alarm thing again even though I didn’t run into any problems.

I have an Alpine deck with 3 amps in my Integra. Front, Back, Sub. Alpine, Kenwood, and JL Audio amps. Infinity components in front and 6x9’s in rear. 10" JL W7 sub. I’ve always taken music seriously.

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W7 is a nice piece.

It was a toss up between the idmax and w7.

But i wanted a nire transparent sub stage, and w7 definitely Make thier presence known. Slightly higher MMS on w7.

My bass ride runs 4 sundown x series sub’s. Its a beater though with 259k miles. Can’t believe it lasted this long


I’ve had my W7 for about 20 years which is crazy when I think about it. What’s really crazy is the Kenwood amp running the back 2 speakers I’ve had for over 25 years.

I’d also like to find some Cervin Vega house speakers and a nice stack system.

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Yes, gid equipment lasts.
People in the mainstream bass head community like to talk down on fosgate, jl, kicker, Kenwood amps, because “you can get a Cookie cutter Korean board” for a third price that doesvtye same power.

BUT, the amps From the big names (kicker Kenwood fosgate JL helix focal alpine Hertz etc) are bespoke designs, pass long burn ins, have stellar warranty, they have much Better slew rates, thd, S/N, channel separation, etc.

Channel separation is is a big deal when competing in sq lanes. That’s the reason I run separate amps for left side, right side and rear (rear is never on when actually getting judged, it ruins staging.)

I competed in the past in single seat tuning category, as tuning dual seat is out of my wheelhouse at the moment.

BUT this, this beast here is ny dream amp. Itl be mine as soon as owner is tired of looking at it hanging on his wall
I present to you, the most unique awesome single amp for a awesome system, the Phoenix Gold Zen9

images (5)


Nice harness work.

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The xt60 rc car battery terminals. Solid copper Gold plated, waterproof, can handle 60 amps. And can’t have polarity reversed. India class this car was built for competition for the organization I should say the car has to function as it did when it came from the factory you have to be able to take your door panels off without any wires impeding it and if a mechanic was to work on your car has to be simple reconnection procedure it’s a weird set of rules but we tend to use those for that.

Rule change during the build and the class I built this car for I don’t qualify and if I competed in the class above me without exploiting all of the accouterments that class affords I’ll never be able to even place and that was the pods for the tweeters in the mid-range on the dash those have to be flushed in you’re only a lot of add one additional location where a factory speaker was not before so the tweeters or mid-range you got to move to the door location where the factory Tweeter was and I could stuff the tweeters or the mid-range in the pillars but they have to be flushed out.


I appreciate the detail and the worksmanship. Pretty uncommon seeing that.

I did the audio on my vehicle about a year ago. Deutsch connectors for the speaker harnessing in my case. Not for competition or anything close to your system.

First time I’ve ever tried to tune car audio, though. Took a bit of effort. Ending up just placing the mic between the driver and passenger and time aligning to the mid-point.

RO water is man made.

Look up RO water in Israel and what the population does about the unavoidable deficiencies

Gotta add stuff to it. Makes sense for hydro. Id love to see a side by side in living soil with RO and Tap.


It’s just fear mongering. Plenty have Been using ro for hydro, soilless mixes, organic soil and living soil.

Yes itll do better with a cap full of big blooms or a ml of some general organics camg+ (the non synthetic) but it’s fine.

I started using ro in 2002, haven’t had problems with it in past grows using the same mix build a soil sells. Used RO in the 3lb mix, coots mix, revs tlo mix, subbys living soil.

The issues i had here were due to the steep learning curve with LED.

What is nice about ro, and i don’t get the people saying its too radical or blank abd swings pH.

It being totally unbuffered, as soon as it hits that soil and takes on the elements in the soil, it’ll not effect ph at all in my experience,

Like example, try to pH adjust pure RO water, a drop if diluted ph up or down (5 ml pH up, in 250ml distilled or ro ) will push pH to the extreme, as its not buffered with elements.

So thr pH adjusters influence it big Time with very little added.

So it’ll take on the pH of the soil. Now if you’re trying to use input water or irrigation to adjust soil pH, then it needs a addition of something with some ppm level, but that’s putting a bandaid on an improperly pH buffered soil.


RO water won’t hurt living soil.

I think Katt said we have the recipe but can’t make it. H2O.

Soil life is strong and wise.


What does manganese have to do with anything? I’m confused by your whole post. :grinning:

Remote goes separate. Remote went straight down the left with speaker wires (no power or signal) then it turns on dsp.
.dsp remote out turns on amps.

But modern amps with differential input won’t pick up noise, its rejected at inputs.