Sorry Vegans

How about being loud about not being a vegan?


No, thatā€™s not normal behavior that vegans exhibit

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Obvious forgery or their tails were clipped by poachers.


Iā€™m a level 9 vegan more vegan than you.

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60 million birds die from pesticide poisoning each year. I think thatā€™s the US alone. Just so people can eat plants which are covered in pesticides, are mostly indigestible fibre and antioxidants.


The screaming part is real. It happened to me once when I harvested a Dream Beaver plant. It wasnā€™t as much an audible scream as it was a transfer of chaotic feeling through frequency. I ā€œfeltā€ its pain. I thought I was crazy and never told anyone but then I told one person and they said it also happened to them only one time with cannabis and then they pointed me to a study which showed that they can produce these vibrations to emit a sort of sound/signal. It is really hard to explain because it has to be experienced. I believe some plants, especially heavily worked, have this ability and we can barely, if ever, perceive it.


Check the vid on the scream
It was not as we do, but again the scientists
Used the term to describe it.
Just mind blowing how complicated plants really are.


Dude Your killing Me over here, first the coffee beans now the screaming mimis in the closet this has to stop lol.

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Found it

I believe I only experienced it because I was holding onto it while cutting it.


ā€œFeed me, water me, leave me alone.ā€


From what I understand

The animals who couldnā€™t survive on the resources around them,

Died out

I know you were being funny but it explains a lot about how the cycle of life seems extremely self sustaining. All the inefficient organisms were (mostly) wiped out by being unable to procreate.

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I remember reading about eating yourself to survive and the calorie costs make it not worth it. Iā€™ll just have the ribeye.

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Sentience, as we currently define it, does not seem apply to plants. Communication boils down to sending signals, which is a survival trait of every living thing, down to bacteria.

Itā€™s fucking awesome science is finally getting to this stuff.

The argument isnā€™t just ā€œanimals feel painā€ itā€™s the resources used to make meat are absurd, many of the methods are unethical, and the industry is subsidized (at least in the US) by the federal government.

I eat meat, I come from meat eaters, I even worked in a butcher shop. I canā€™t ignore the realities of the industry because itā€™s uncomfortable, thatā€™s silly.

As weed growers, I think we can all agree the real good shit comes from smaller farmers, the shit at the store is still good, but itā€™s not the same league.


World wide water pressures will change things drastically.


As a northern Ontario boy Iā€™ll agree with quality meat from quality farming


Yeah I think it would be strange to anthropomorphize this. They definitely have some kind of intelligence. It is not like our intelligence or comprehension. Maybe it is better or worse. Does anyone ask if a slime mold is sentient? Yes they doā€¦

You know what is intelligent? All the animals we eat like pigs and cows are smart as fuck. The ones you see in the farms are the dumb couch potatoes. The pigs arent even fully matured into their real selves. They are neotinized like the idea that early hominids kept their flat facial feautures due to neoteny.

I bet you this guy played cow chess.


Thatā€™s why I stopped eating octopus and squid. They seem quite smart. Not like a pig or cow. Those are kinda dumb.


I met a guy a year or two back that got one of these plant wave things as a gift and told me it ended up being really useful

Definitely thinking about getting one now :thinking:

I only eat smart animals to absorb their smartness.

Seriously though I do like octopus.


100% agree. Iā€™ve been saying this for years. My wife is a vegetarian. Sheā€™s constantly giving my daughter and I shit for eating meat lol. Thanks for this

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