Bull Chat... Cattle and Flies

Hey MyrtleGrounds, I’ve seen a bumblebee chase a bull lol in other words size doesn’t really matter… The Skunk#1 seeds were the smallest I’ve ever seen, but DAMN…!!
:crazy_face: :sunglasses:


:cowboy_hat_face:hey i have seen a fly chase a Bull many times :mask:


I don’t know what wimpy bulls you seen but I’ve never seen a bull run from anything but a really strong shock. Lol


:cowboy_hat_face:I used to Raise Registered Red Brahma and i have seen a herd run from Cow Flies you have to live on a ranch to witness this and no they were not wimpy Bulls i can tell you this you would not stand in front of them if you did you would probably piss and shit your pants and run like hell when they started towards you would that make you wimpy :mask:

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Just so you know I’m a cattle farmer, my calf won’t even run from flies. I have been hit by my bull and I sure didn’t piss and shit my pants? Never met a farmer who was that scared. Running from a bulls a bad idea as they will chase you for fun. Best to stay on a horse or an atv. But I have my bull trained so well that I can brush his coat in the field.


:cowboy_hat_face:Like i say you have baby cattle you pamper them try running over 100 head on 2000 acres of real cattle on a real cattle Ranch and than tell me i used to sell and trade to Rodeos :mask:

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And those big bulls ran from flies?

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So scottish highlanders arnt real cattle. Even my cows have horns unlike on giant ranches. Most farmers I know wouldnt talk like that to another farmer especially when you don’t know the size of my farm. Have a good day bud. Assumptions can be very rude. And most I know arnt.

Edit. Just checked. Red Bramha bulls dont even appear to have horns.


Never seen a FLY chase a bull lol but I’ve damn sure seen a bee chase em edit lemme rephrase that, I’ve seen a bull run from a bee chasing it!


Multiple cattle farmers on a “free seed and free clone” thread and no-one’s inquired about free steaks?


LOL, so true. You know what a Porter House or decent Brisket costs these days, you need a rancher on your side.


Next time my big boy Flynn jumps a fence their might be some free ground beef to go around hahaha


If he get’s caught in that electric fence it could even be cooked :slight_smile:


If a hornet stung it on the nose I could deffinetly see it running, but flies. Hell next sunny day I will get a pic to show how little they care about flies. Lol. There all over their face everyday.


I don’t eat red meat anymore. Health reasons. Not that I didn’t like a good steak


You can live vicariously through me brother. I could only get the small steaks that week but still turned out well.


Thanks doug now what I was making for dinner won’t suffice. Back to the freezer.


Could Alpha maybe be referring to horseflies? I’ve seen blood streaming down the side of unprotected horses.
I could see ten or twenty of them putting almost anything on its heals.


Do I know what a brisket costs these days?

Yes, yes I do…

(your local Ontario Loblaws has them on sale this week)


That would make a lot more sense. When he said cow flies I assumed he ment the ones that come from their shit in the field. I’ve seen the black flies and horse flies cause some damage for sure. We don’t remove the cattle horns or tails here on my farm so they manage them. Them selves quite well, I could see a cow run if it got annoyed enough it wouldn’t be from fear though. A bull though id be very surprised, couple years ago when my bull was a calf he wouldn’t even run from my tractor or atv or anything. Let alone now that he’s nearly 2000 pounds.