Meat isn't agreeing with me. But I love meat

Recently, myself and my lady have been properly off meat. Not because we don’t like it. But nothing seems to taste right. And we usually eat a proper cut of something with every evening meal. Anyone else ever had similar issues.

Been replacing what’s not going down with protein shakes because our bodies are so used to it.

Think it’s time to look for some alternatives. Any suggestions OG family :green_heart:


I pretty much gave up meat as well beef and pork do not agree with my stomach I still do fish and occasionally I will eat chicken but I’m primarily plant based for about 2 years now and been loving it have noticed my energy levels increased had less intestinal issues etc


Chicken was a firm favourite but in all honesty. It’s kind of chicken that’s tipped us over the edge of not eating meat. I’ve not eaten fish :fish: since I watched seaspiracy. Nothing to do with the welfare of the fish again. It’s the shite in the products from the industry itself. Tuna is likely dolphin and all kinds of stuff and mercury levels are ridiculously high in most sea food.

I’m willing to try predominantly plant based foods if I can balance them enough. I’m guessing it’s gonna be chickpeas and the like in curries and stuff now. Any recommendations for decent meals mate?


A favourite camping meal for me is TVP couscous dehydrated veg and broth.

I cooking just pour boiling water on it.


Granola and yogurt have been a favorite of mine for awhile. Yogurt provides a decent amount of protein, and granola gives some substance to the yogurt so you don’t feel hungry after eating a serving


I do like couscous anyway. That actually sounds pretty tasty. Definitely have to crack some black pepper on that though bro

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I eat yoghurt pretty much daily. I’m an absolute fiend for mango, papaya and passion fruit :heart_eyes: granola is a bit like eating rocks though lol. Gotta be worth a try. Do you soak the granola in the yoghurt a while so it’s not quite as dry a texture?

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I’m a big fan of chickpeas I roast them for a snack or croutons make falafel even get it ground for some bomb savory pancakes or to use as a wrap(kinda like flatbread) I eat a bunch of salads I do love curry’s I’m a big fan Asian food and stir frys,smoothies, protein shakes veggie burritos/bowls etc soups I’ve gotten real creative with vegetables since starting to eat plant based


Yes! I totally forgot to include that part, and I do apologize for that. I let mine sit for about 15 minutes before I eat it and it’s usually good to go, except with Greek yogurt, which doesn’t really hydrate the granola, I’ve found

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Yeah for sure man. I like to add a pepperette for flavour sometimes but it’s good without.

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We’ve had a few chickpea curries and lentil curries and the like at our vegan friends house. And falafel on a fair few occasions from the proper Turkish restaurants nearby. The savoury pancakes actually sound pretty Peng. Smoothies I can deal with as long as well blended and the fruit textures are gone. Banana makes me feel weird when I touch it :joy: think we’re gonna have a butternut squash soup tonight.

Don’t apologise. Easy thing to forget to mention :100: I will certainly try it and let you know whether I get on with it :sunglasses:


When I did vegetarian / vegan for a bit, grain bowls (like chiptole/cava/mezah) were a go to! I was never big into tofu but started learning how to cook it right with asian stir fry and such, its actually pretty good once crispy and sauced up! Just make sure its organic/nongmo… really cheap too. Also the fake meat options are pretty tasty these days with beyond and impossible. I ended up going back to meat, but eat it at a much more infrequent manner… not with 2-3 meals a day anymore ha. More like a couple times a week.


Not certain if you are being literal here but we love our meats.

There has been a decent amount of f.ckery going on with the food supplies as of late. Grain prices have skyrocketed. Along with shortages, it is likely that some farmers, perhaps regional, are utilizing alternative sources of feed. Certain proteins will take on a characteristic flavor as a result of the food source particularly during finishing. This experience can be had with grass fed livestock that have not been finished with grain. It does take on the taste of a lawn. Conversely, I suspect highly processed meats, such as sausages, would hide that.

There are some other physiological reasons for a change in taste although if it’s the two of you, I doubt that would be the cause.


I’ve tried a few of the plant based alternatives. Some are okay like bean burgers etc. I suppose I’ll just have to branch out and try new stuff. Never ate tofu because well I’ve never heard anything good about it :joy: I’m not saying I’ll never eat meat again and I’m still happy with animal products in my diet :100:


Yeah I cant stand the old fake burgers - beans, soy, etc. The new ones are more similar to meat, but still different. I still eat beyond even tho I eat meat. Tofu is good if you like asian food - I really like it in thai curries. From what I read it got a bad rap as some industries tried to trash its nutrient value and convince men it has too much estrogen. Just avoid GMO soy as that aint good!


I’m being literal there mate. I’ve always loved meat. I’m even happy to slaughter and butcher. So I wouldn’t think it was psychological. Also can’t see it being a folie a Deux. You may well be right on the badly finished meats due to increased costs etc. It’s not like a lawn taste though. It’s like a bad almost rotten kinda taste bro


Hope your lass doesn’t read that statement :rofl:


Rotting/off taste. Lookup parosmia and dysgeusia (in particular, as related to covaids).

Years ago I had an issue where proteins, particularly chicken, took on a distinct taste of onion. And, not a good onion taste. It was so prominent to me that I had asked local farmers if onions were ever used as a feed source. The response was could be. Although, the wife didn’t have a similar complaint.

That experience had lasted for perhaps 2-4 months which then slowly disappeared.

The more likely explanation, in this situation, is that there was something going on physically. About a year after, I ended up in the ER with systemic embolisms, most prominent pulmonary. Nasty stuff. No one could figure out why but they had suspected some sort of infection or a genetic issue … which could have also affected the sense of taste or smell. Haven’t experienced that taste perception problem since.

Back to this, there have been numerous reports of change in taste and smell related to the recent viral and treatment issues. FWIW.


Will reply after I finish up on this job guys. Just had a deadline pushed forward so probably be working through the night :no_mouth:


We realized we were consuming to much meat over all. We started our change by reducing the amounts of meat, all types, that we eat.
We first started with a meatless cooking day. Then added another was added, as we found ourselves not missing it.
We have been blessed with living in a farm based area, and have been buying beef, chicken, pork, from farmers, over the grocery store.
We also started to utilize the CSA farms in our area. We pay in January, about $380.00 and have a weekly portion of what is ripe and ready, coming in every week until fall. A bit under $20.00 a week is the break down.
With our garden things we grow, we usually have items we give out, or share with others in the family or friends, or can or freeze till later on.
We gave about 50 lb’s of tart cherries, from our single tree, away this year as we just had more then we could use, or store away, with canning, or freezing.
We also reduced all meat amounts for our dinners. We realized we can use it more as a seasoning, then the big slab of meat that covers the plate.
I break down dinner size portion, 140-150 grams a package , ground pork, hamburger, chicken, then cooked with an assortment of grains, and the vegetables and spices we grow out, or get from the CSA…
Fresh from the field cabbage makes fantastic sauerkraut, simply sliced and a salt portion added, 15 minutes of squeezing and crushing it, then stuffed into Mason jars for a couple of months.
I first did this like 20 years ago, and we have never purchased it again. Oh it is cheap as hell, to buy, but NOT nearly as potent or delicious as made in your kitchen.
We spend about $70.00 in meat products for a 3-4 month time frame.
So, we do eat it, but in way, way smaller portions.